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Fiduciary Investment Monitoring. Obligation to properly research investments both before and after making them –Apply system of fiduciary mandates which.

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Presentation on theme: "Fiduciary Investment Monitoring. Obligation to properly research investments both before and after making them –Apply system of fiduciary mandates which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiduciary Investment Monitoring

2 Obligation to properly research investments both before and after making them –Apply system of fiduciary mandates which create a process for selecting investment choices –Regularly monitor performance of each choice –When investment choice fails to measure up to objective set of criteria, investment must be replaced

3 Our Fiduciary Investment Monitoring 8 Fiduciary Mandates Applied –Each fund must score in the top 25% to be considered Funds are Evaluated with a Scorecard –Watch List –Replacement List Asset Classes Clearly Defined Two Fund Lineups (see –RIA Partner – Uses 5-year mandates –DFA Partner – Uses 10-year mandates

4 Fiduciary Mandates Applied Performance: The product must have positive excess performance relative to its benchmark over a stated time period. Product Assets: Must have a least $100 million managed in this specific investment style. Peer Group: The product’s return must be higher than the peer group’s 50th percentile return. Alpha: The product’s Alpha must be greater than or equal to 0. Sharpe: The product’s Sharpe Ratio must be greater than or equal to the benchmark. Standard Deviation: The product’s standard deviation must be less than or equal to 150% of the benchmark’s standard deviation. Tracking Error: The product’s tracking error must be less than 10%. Product History: Product must have been in existence for a stated time period.

5 Fiduciary Quarterly/Annual fund monitoring

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