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Role of Biology in Transferring Energy and Mass Through the Earth System Remember Conservation of Energy & Conservation of Mass.

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1 Role of Biology in Transferring Energy and Mass Through the Earth System Remember Conservation of Energy & Conservation of Mass


3 3 Basic Steps in Photosynthesis Light reactions- energy capture: chemiosmosis generation of ATP from harvested sunlight Dark reactions- fixation of carbon: enzyme catalyzed reactions using the ATP formed in the light reactions to “fix” CO 2 into sugars Pigment regeneration- electron replacement from the splitting of H 2 O in oxygenic photosynthesis

4 Light Reactions: A very specific energy is required for photochemistry since only photons of a certain wavelength can dislodge electrons from an object Most common range of wavelength from the sun is the most sensitive range for photosynthesis


6 Carbon enters water leaves the plant through the same pore; thus the exchange of the two substances is linked. This processes is known as transpiration. Stoma

7 Chlorophyll

8 Nutrients Chemicals required for life processes but often in short supply and thus may limit growth



11 The Essential Elements Necessary for Plant Growth: 1. the bulk mass (95%) ElementAvailable fromPresent inEssential Role in Plants Carbon, CCO 2 Air, waterAll organic molecules Hydrogen, HH2OH2OAir, waterAll organic molecules Oxygen, OCO 2, H 2 OAir, waterMost organic molecules Nitrogen, NNO 3 -, NH 4 + Soil, waterAll proteins and nucleic acids N 2 (only by nitrogen fixation) Air Sulfur, SSO 4 2- Soil, waterMost proteins Phosphorous, PPO 4 3- Soil, waterNucleic acids and energy transfer

12 The Essential Elements Necessary for Plant Growth: 2. minor constituents available from soil minerals or dissolved in water ElementRole in Plants Potassium, KWater balance, essential for certain enzymes Calcium, CaMembrane function, essential of cell walls of most plants Magnesium, MgEssential in chlorophyll Iron, FePhotosynthesis, energy release reactions Mn, B, Z, Cu, Mo, CoEssential for function of certain enzymes Chlorine, ClEssential for photosynthesis





17 Interactions Between Biology and Climate Climate Controls on Biology & Biology Controls on Climate

18 Climate Controls on Biology Temperature Light CO 2 Water Climate variability











29 Levitus94 Annual Phosphate (micromolar) at Surface Blue lowest (~0); Pink highest (~2)

30 Source: SeaWiFS Project of the NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterSeaWiFS ProjectNASA Goddard Space Flight Center Data aquired between Noverber 1978 and June 1986

31 Climate variability and ecosystem structure (greater variability = lower diversity)

32 Biological Controls on Climate Albedo Interception of rainfall Cloud formation Surface roughness Greenhouse gasses Long-term atmospheric change

33 Albedos for Various Terrestrial Biomes Equatorial forest0.18 Savannah0.18-0.24 Mid-latitude forest0.14-0.46 Tundra0.18-0.80 Desert0.35 (In general vegetated surfaces reflect less than bare soil and rock. Tall vegetation prevents snow from making surface completely white)


35 Possible chain of events set off by overgrazing

36 Interception of Rainfall




40 Cloud Formation

41 Aerosols are cloud condensation nuclei Increased terrestrial vegetation leads to decrease dust (aerosol) Ocean plankton release a sulfur compound (aerosol)

42 Surface Roughness Vegetation roughens the surface of the earth, causing air to flow less smoothly. This increase in turbulence near the surface increases the efficiency of mixing of heat and moisture between the surface and rest of troposphere Additionally, the rough surface causes surface winds to blow in a different direction from winds at high levels.

43 Greenhouse Gasses


45 Long-term Atmospheric Change The CO 2 Content of the atmosphere is critical to maintianing the earth’s mean surface temperture. The CO 2 content is controled by the biosphere. It has not always been as it is today.



48 Role of Biology Photosynthesis Respiration Transpiration Nutrient Climate controls on Biology Biology controls on Climate

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