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Projective Assessment of Personality III Pertemuan 5

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2 Projective Assessment of Personality III Pertemuan 5
Matakuliah : Psikologi Diagnostik Tahun : 2010 Projective Assessment of Personality III Pertemuan 5

3 Story Completion Test A verbal stimulus containing words that represent either the beginning of a story Bina Nusantara University

4 Story Tests – Madeline Thomas Stories
Madeline Thomas (1937) applied the method to clinical settings Original had 15 stories, character changed to a girl when working with a girl, examiner suggested that the child and examiner would make up some stories together. The assumption was the child will identify with an imagined situation. Research data scarce, but MTS seems to have utility as a non-threatening technique to explore child’s fantasy life. Bina Nusantara University

5 Story test - Duss Despert Fables
Louisa Duss (1940) created the Duss or Despert Fables to elicit data on emotional conflicts of children. 10 stories Gender of stories changed to fit client. Research with fables (442 children) indicated adequate test-retest reliability and most useful for children under 8 years. Bina Nusantara University

6 Sentence Completion Precursors to current sentence-completion techniques were word association techniques and measures of memory (intellectual variables) such as recall or recognition measures. First systematic use of sentence-completion techniques 1920’s and 1930’s. Used as indices of response style and emotional reactions. Bina Nusantara University

7 Sentence Completion – Underlying assumptions
1. The projective hypothesis. Frank (1948) as “When an individual is forced to impose meaning or order on an ambiguous stimulus complex, his response is a projection of his feelings, anger, beliefs, attitudes, and desires” * 2. Responses to the sentence stubs are not just shaped by attitudes and beliefs at a surface level (response set, social desirability) 3. Verbal projective technique, providing more structure than inkblots and some drawing techniques and less structure than many thematic methods. * more ambiguous tasks are thought to be less likely to evoke defensive responses from the respondent Bina Nusantara University

8 Sentence Completion Test
Ebbinghaus (1897) introduced the first known SCT as a means of studying reasoning ability and intellectual capacity of school children (Ebbinghaus, 1897, in Lah, 1989b, 2001) The use of SCTs as projective techniques originated from Jung’s 1916 early use of word association as a method for studying personality. Late 1920s, Arthur Payne used SCTs to measure personal traits as an aid in vocational counseling of college students, marking the first use of these methods for studying personality (Lah, 1989b, 2001). Alexander Tendler (1930), began to use the SCT with the more “projective” approach that many associate with SCTs. Bina Nusantara University

9 Sack Sentence Completion Test
SSCT was developed by Dr. Joseph M. Sacks from the earlier Sentence Completion Test developed by Dr. Sacks and Dr. Levy Consists of 60 “stems” of sentences to which the respondent adds endings Respondent projects attitudes towards a personal experience of life : Family Sex Interpersonal relationships Self concept Attitudes include: Family – attitudes towards mother, father and the family unit Sex – attitude towards men/women, heterosexual relationships Interpersonal relationships – attitude toward friends and acquaintances, superiors at school, people supervised, colleagues at school Self concept – fears, guilt feelings, attitude towards own abilities, past, future, and goals Instruction: “there are 60 partly completed sentences. Read each one and finish it by writing the first thing that comes into your mind. Work as quickly as you can. If you cannot complete an item, circle the number and return to it later” Bina Nusantara University

10 Forer Sentence Completion Test
Developed by Bertram R. Forer Administration time : 15 – 20 min Forer has developed a Checklist and Clinical Evaluation Form for both the adolescent and adult forms. Stuctured evaluation scheme that the examiner can use to group individual items into one of four categories: Interpersonal Figures, Wishes, Causes of Own (feelings and behaviors), and Reactions (to other people). FSCT – Each item is rated according to "attitudes toward" and "characteristics of" in the first two categories and "attitudes toward" in the last two categories. All of the terms used have specific clinical operational definitions and clear implications about the structure and organization of one’s personality. Bina Nusantara University

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