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Digital Object Repositories (Example of FEDORA).What-Is- In-It-For-PAWS? PAWS Meeting Series, Spring 2007 Michael Yudelson.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Object Repositories (Example of FEDORA).What-Is- In-It-For-PAWS? PAWS Meeting Series, Spring 2007 Michael Yudelson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Object Repositories (Example of FEDORA).What-Is- In-It-For-PAWS? PAWS Meeting Series, Spring 2007 Michael Yudelson

2 Michael Yudelson (C) 20072 Bibliography  Payette, S., Lagoze, C. Flexible and Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture (FEDORA). Paper presented at the Second European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL'98), Heraklion, Crete, Greece.  Lagoze, C., Payette, S., Shin, E., Wilper, C. Fedora: an architecture for complex objects and their relationships. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 6(2), 124-138

3 Michael Yudelson (C) 20073 FEDORA  FEDORA - Flexible and Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture URL:  Project originated in 1990s Funding: NSF, DARPA, Mellon foundation  Technologies RDF, XACML, Kowari

4 Michael Yudelson (C) 20074 FEDORA Components/Services  Repositories Mechanisms of storing/retrieving digital objects (DO)  Index Mechanisms of DO discovery  Collections Means of aggregating DO’s  Naming Conventions to register and resolve unique names of DO’s  User Interface Human gateway for DO’s

5 Michael Yudelson (C) 20075 FEDORA Glossary  Digital Object Atomic, UI-accessible unit of digital content  Compare to Learning Object, Activity, Problem

6 Michael Yudelson (C) 20076 FEDORA Glossary (cont’d)  Data Stream Data “view” on DO Each DO can have multiple DS’s  DO is represented by Data Streams  E.g. DO “bird” can have following DS’s Tiff image of a bird Dublin Core describing image Audio file with bird’s song

7 Michael Yudelson (C) 20077 FEDORA Glossary (cont’d)  Disseminator An “entry point” to interacting with DO, an interface  Primitive Disseminator Default entry point allowing discovery of other disseminators  Disseminator “serves” DO’s DS

8 Michael Yudelson (C) 20078 FEDORA Glossary (cont’d)  Dissemination Types Composition (creation) DO structure discovery Content Layer Access (interaction with DO via UI)  Every Disseminator is bound to Content Type[s]

9 Michael Yudelson (C) 20079 FEDORA Glossary (cont’d)  Content Type A set of requests specifying the behavior of a content  E.g. for CT “book” getTOC, next[Page|nextChapter]  For CT “journal” nextArticle, nextIssue

10 Michael Yudelson (C) 200710 PAWS LO’s FEDORA Style  LO: Code Example DS1: Dublin Core signature (creator) DS2: Lines DS3: Annotations Diss1: Plane Code View (DS2) Diss2: Annotated View (DS2, DS3)  CT: showExample, showAntation Diss3: Social Navigation View - additional entities - user, interaction history Diss4: Multi-user Annotation (Sharon)  CT: addAnnotation, rateAnnotation

11 Michael Yudelson (C) 200711 Why FEDORA Is Interesting?  Digital Repositories is one of the major “views” on digital content distribution With fully functional and working examples  What are the other ones? Simple publishing on the web - outdated Web-services - discovery is a problem  Digital Repositories DL SIS has LIS department Whatever goes on with DR should be of interest for us Dr. Spring was/is interested in [deploying] FEDORA

12 Michael Yudelson (C) 200712 FEDORA / DR Pros and Cons  Pros DR is a framework of thought about DO, LO Native support for creation, storage, discovery and publishing Chance to reach a bigger community Funding opportunity!  Cons No on-the-surface support for UM and Adaptation Cost of deployment and conversion?

13 Michael Yudelson (C) 200713 What Should We Do?  Deploy FEDORA and convert all content? No  Think of our current work in terms of DR? Yes  Search for possible collaboration in distributing learning content? Hell yes!

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