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ANCIENT GREECE Theater The Olympics Concepts of Democracy Architecture Ancient Greeks contributed to many things we enjoy today…

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1 ANCIENT GREECE Theater The Olympics Concepts of Democracy Architecture Ancient Greeks contributed to many things we enjoy today…

2 Geography Included southern parts of Europe’s Balkan Peninsula Mountains make up ¾ of mainland Greece Fertile plains are between the mountains and the sea. Many seaports along the coast, no place in Greece is more than 50 miles from the sea. Many people used the sea for a living, fishing, trading, even piracy. Mountains isolated and protected Greece Mountains limited travel and communication; therefore Greece was never united under one government but did have one language and religion. Mild climate, rainy winters mild/dry summers allowed for many outdoor activities, classes, meetings and outdoor theater.

3 Minoans Knussos, Crete King Minos Minoans had the classic curled hair, wore jewelry, were fond of dancing and sports, such as boxing. Women had higher status than in other ancient civilizations More goddesses than gods in Minoan religion, the chief deity on Crete was the Great Goddess or Earth Mother Minoans were sea traders, who reached as far as Egypt and Mesopotamia. By 2000 BCE Minoan fleets dominated the region in trade as well as protection from pirates. Ships guarded Crete against attack; therefore their cities had no wall for protection. Minoan Civilization peaked in 1600 BCE and collapsed 250 years later. –2 theories, great tidal waves or most likely invasion from the Mycenaean’s

4 Mycenaeans Indo-Europeans came to the Balkan Peninsula in 2000 BCE. Kingdoms centered around a royal fortress built on a hilltop; stonewalls circled the fortress, which gave shelter during times of danger. Nobles lived outside of the walls on estates. Slaves and tenants worked the lands of the estates. Palaces houses government offices as well as production facilities. Artisans created clothes, tanned leather, made jars for olive oil and wine, bronze weapons and shields.

5 Mycenaeans Con’t Taxes were collected and records were kept of each person’s wealth. –Taxes were collected in the form of wheat, livestock and honey. Mycenaean’s adopted much of Minoan culture; ship building, navigation by the sun, worship of the Earth Mother. By the 1600’s Mycenaean’s conquered the Minoans and controlled the entire Aegean region.

6 Mycenaeans Con’t 1100 BCE Internal fighting destroyed the fortresses and led to invasion and takeover by the Dorians, who came in from the north, with iron weapons. The take over by the Dorians led to what has become know as the “dark age”. Sea trading stopped; poverty rose, writing and other skills were lost. Thousands fled to Ionia on the west coast of Asia-Minor. By 750 BCE, the Ionians reintroduced culture, crafts and skills of their homeland, therefore a new Greek civilization emerged, with Mycenaean settlements Hellenic, named for the original Greek people, this civilization flourished from 700BCE to 336 BCE.

7 Homer and the Greek Epics Homer, principal figure of ancient Greek literature; the first European poet. Wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, set during and after the Trojan War. Both were used to teach Greek values such as: –Pride in Greek heritage –Love of Nature –Importance of husband/wife relationship –Tender feelings –Loyalty between friends Taught to always strive for excellence and meet with dignity what fate has in store.

8 Gods and Goddesses Ancient Greeks thought that the gods explained why people acted as they did. Believed that gods caused things to happen, seasons, storms, etc. Greeks did not fear their deities like other ancient peoples did. Greeks placed importance on the worth of the individual, therefore had self-respect and approached their deities with dignity, not fear. Their gods were humanized, behaved like humans, married, had children, were jealous of each other, fought with each other and played tricks

9 Festivals Greatest of festivals was a held every 4 years, it was an athletic contest held “…For the greater glory of Zeus” Poems were read and competitions were held. Festival held in the city of Olympia thus these contests became the Olympic Games.

10 Polis Greek city-state, city, and surrounding area. Center of the city was the Acropolis or fortified hill with a temple on top of a local deity. Agora was at the bottom of the hill, this is where citizens, those who were allowed to take part in government, met for public affairs.

11 Polis Con’t Citizens had rights and responsibilities –Vote, hold office, own property, in return they had to serve in government and protect the city. Slaves and Foreign born could not be citizens Women had no legal rights. The polis established colonies to aid in food production and trade, colonies kept contact with the parent city. 600 BCE, traders started to use coin currency instead of bartering, later cities took on minting of money.

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