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Titus Lesson 1 Paul and Titus  One of the still unrevealed “mysteries” of the New Testament is the question of why Luke made no mention at all of Titus.

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Presentation on theme: "Titus Lesson 1 Paul and Titus  One of the still unrevealed “mysteries” of the New Testament is the question of why Luke made no mention at all of Titus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Titus Lesson 1 Paul and Titus  One of the still unrevealed “mysteries” of the New Testament is the question of why Luke made no mention at all of Titus in Acts as he recorded the words and activities of the apostle Paul.  Paul’s affection for Titus and his confidence in him to discharge his duties to the Lord are obvious as we read his remarks in this letter and in other references.

2 Titus Lesson 1 The Task...  In the same way that Paul had left Timothy at Ephesus to assure that some persons there should “teach no other doctrine” (1Tim. 1:3), he had left Titus on the island of Crete to “set in order the things that are lacking and to appoint elders in every city” (Tit. 1:5).  The letter addresses several important duties that need Titus’ attention at once.

3 Titus Lesson 1 The History...  It appears that Titus had been converted and baptized by Paul himself.  It may be inferred that Titus was an idolatrous Gentile prior to his conversion.  Titus probably accompanied Paul back to Antioch following the conference and likely became his associate from that time forward.

4 Titus Lesson 1 The History...  Paul employed Titus to carry the first letter to Corinth from Ephesus, from where he wrote.  Titus was also the messenger who took Paul’s second letter to Corinth from Macedonia (2Cor. 8:23;12:18), from where that letter was written (2Cor. 1:16,17).  It is often conjectured that Titus accompanied Paul to Jerusalem as one of the brethren who took the Gentiles’ offering to their Jewish brethren.

5 Titus Lesson 1 The History...  We find no specific reference to Titus from the year 58 A.D. when he delivered the second Corinthian letter, until 62 A.D. when he was left by Paul at Crete to accomplish important tasks among the churches.  It may be safely concluded that Titus complied with Paul’s request to join him as soon as possible at Nicopolis, where the apostle proposed to winter (Titus 3:12).

6 Titus Lesson 1 The History...  Other traditions suggest that while at Crete for this second visit, Paul learned of the harsh treatment being given to Christians in Rome by Nero’s government.  Some ancient writers declare that Titus eventually returned to Crete, where he died at the age of ninety-four.

7 Titus Lesson 1 The Place...  The place to which this epistle was sent was Crete, which is one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea.  The place from which Paul wrote the letter is uncertain. Leading scholars have identified different places as the apostle’s location when he sent his directions to Titus.

8 Titus Lesson 1 The Time...  Regardless of the divergent opinions about the place of origin for the letter, the scholarship is generally agreed that it was written by Paul during the time between his first and second Roman imprisonments.

9 Titus Lesson 1 The Affinity...  It is interesting that the books of Titus and First Timothy show numerous and striking similarities.  Adam Clarke notes several references in the two books that are remarkably alike...  Clarke also notes that several expressions appear only in the letters to Timothy and Titus...

10 Titus Lesson 1 A “Pastoral” Epistle...  Among Biblical scholars, First Timothy, Second Timothy, and Titus are commonly referred to as Paul’s “Pastoral Epistles.”

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