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Published byRoberta Wilkerson Modified over 9 years ago
HENP, Grids and the Networks They Depend Upon Shawn McKee ( March 2004 National Internet2 Day
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics2 Outline HENP: Why do physicist’s care about the network? GRIDs and networks in HENP Doing physics at the LHC Future and Conclusions
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics3 Physics and Networks So, why do physicists care about networks? I will try to explain how physics will be done at LHC and the corresponding implications for the network needs Networks, like Internet2, are critical for the globally distributed, data intensive e-Science collaborations, like physics at the LHC Details to follow…
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics4 Four LHC Experiments: The Petabyte to Exabyte Challenge ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCB Higgs + New particles; Quark-Gluon Plasma; CP Violation Data stores ~40 Petabytes/Year and UP; Data stores ~40 Petabytes/Year and UP; CPU0.3 Petaflops and UP CPU0.3 Petaflops and UP 0.1 to 1.0 Exabytes (1 EB = 10 18 Bytes) (2007) (~2012 ?) for the LHC Experiments 0.1 to 1.0 Exabytes (1 EB = 10 18 Bytes) (2007) (~2012 ?) for the LHC Experiments
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics5 How Much Data is Involved? 10 4 10 3 10 2 Level 1 Rate (Hz) High Level-1 Trigger (1 MHz) High No. Channels High Bandwidth (500 Gbit/s) High Data Archive (PetaByte) LHCB KLOE HERA-B TeV II CDF/D0 H1 ZEUS UA1 LEP NA49 ALICE Event Size (bytes) 10 4 10 5 10 6 ATLAS CMS ATLAS CMS 10 6 10 7 Hans Hoffman DOE/NSF Review, Nov 00 10 5
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics6 The Problem
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics7 The Solution
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics8 What is “The Grid”? There are many answers and interpretations The term was originally coined in the mid- 1990’s (in analogy with the power grid) and can be described thusly: “The grid provides flexible, secure, coordinated resource sharing among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions and resources (virtual organizations:VOs)”
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics9 Grid Perspectives Users Viewpoint: –A virtual computer which minimizes time to completion for my application while transparently managing access to inputs and resources Programmers Viewpoint: –A toolkit of applications and API’s which provide transparent access to distributed resources Administrators Viewpoint: –An environment to monitor, manage and secure access to geographically distributed computers, storage and networks.
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics10 Network Exponentials Network vs. computer performance –Computer speed doubles every 18 months –Network speed doubles every 9 months –Difference = order of magnitude per 5 years 1986 to 2000 –Computers: x 500 –Networks: x 340,000 2001 to 2010 –Computers: x 60 –Networks: x 4000
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics11 The Network As can be seen in the previous transparency, it can be argued it is the evolution of the network which has been the primary motivator for the Grid. Ubiquitous, dependable worldwide networks have opened up the possibility of tying together geographically distributed resources The success of the WWW for sharing information has spawned a push for a system to share resources The network has become the “virtual bus” of a virtual computer.
Doing Physics at the LHC ATLAS as an example
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics13 ATLAS A Torroidal LHC Apparatus Collaboration –150 institutes –1850 physicists Detector –Inner tracker –Calorimeter –Magnet –Muon United States ATLAS –29 universities, 3 national labs –20% of ATLAS
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics14
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics15 ATLAS
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics16 Discovery Potential for SM Higgs Boson Good sensitivity over the full mass range from ~100 GeV to ~ 1 TeV For most of the mass range at least two channels available Detector performance is crucial: b-tag, leptons, , E resolution, / jet separation,...
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics17 HEP Data Analysis Raw data –hits, pulse heights Reconstructed data (ESD) –tracks, clusters… Analysis Objects (AOD) –Physics Objects –Summarized –Organized by physics topic Ntuples, histograms, statistical data
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics18 Data Flow from ATLAS level 1 - special hardware 40 MHz (~PB/sec) level 2 - embedded processors level 3 - PCs 75 KHz (75 GB/sec) 5 KHz (5 GB/sec) 100 Hz (200-400 MB/sec) data recording & offline analysis ATLAS: 10 PB /y ~ one million PC hard drives!
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics19 HENP Grid/Network Projects Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) – Enabling R&D for advanced data grid systems, focusing in particular on Virtual Data concept iVDGL: A Global Grid Laboratory –A global grid laboratory to conduct grid test “at scale” There a numerous other projects focused on various aspects of grids and networks in support of HENP physics…
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics20 UltraLight is a program to explore the integration of cutting-edge network technology with the grid computing and data infrastructure of HEP/Astronomy The program intends to explore network configurations from common shared infrastructure (current IP networks) thru dedicated optical paths point-to-point. A critical aspect of UltraLight is its integration with two driving application domains in support of their national and international eScience collaborations: LHC-HEP and eVLBI-Astronomy The Collaboration includes: –Caltech –Florida Int. Univ. –MIT –Univ. of Florida –Univ. of Michigan UltraLight: Exploring Future Networks for e-Science ― UC Riverside ― BNL ― FNAL ― SLAC ― UCAID/Internet2
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics21 The Move to OGSA and then Managed Integration Systems Increased functionality, standardization Time Custom solutions Open Grid Services Arch GGF: OGSI, … (+ OASIS, W3C) Multiple implementations, including Globus Toolkit Web services + … Globus Toolkit Defacto standards GGF: GridFTP, GSI X.509, LDAP, FTP, … App-specific Services ~Integrated Systems Stateful; Managed Web Services Resrc Framwk
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics22 Managing Global Systems: Dynamic Scalable Services Architecture MonALISA:
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics23 Grid Analysis Environment uAnalysis Clients talk standard protocols to a simple API uThe secure Clarens portal hides the complexity uKey features: Global Scheduler, Catalogs, Monitoring, and Grid- wide Execution service uThe network underlies and enables this model Scheduler Catalogs Analysis Client Grid Services Web Server Execution Priority Manager Grid Wide Execution Service Data Management Fully- Concrete Planner Fully- Abstract Planner Analysis Client Analysis Client Virtual Data Replica Applications Monitoring Partially- Abstract Planner Metadata HTTP, SOAP, XML/RPC CLARENS: Web Services Architecture
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics24 Conclusions e-ScienceNetworks form the critical basis for the future of e-Science LHC Physics will depend heavily on globally distributed resources => the NETWORK is critical! Future requirements for grids and networking in support of HENP physics is an open question which will need investigation to define, develop and deploy the needed infrastructure in a timely manner.
March 18, 2004Internet2 Day - Shawn McKee - University of Michigan Physics25 For More Information… HENP Internet2 SIG – Global Grid Forum – International Virtual Data Grid Laboratory – Grid Physics Network – UltraLight: Questions?
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