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Presented by Ava D. Rosales, PhD Instructional Supervisor Miami-Dade County Public Schools Division of Mathematics, Science and Advanced Academic Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Ava D. Rosales, PhD Instructional Supervisor Miami-Dade County Public Schools Division of Mathematics, Science and Advanced Academic Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Ava D. Rosales, PhD Instructional Supervisor Miami-Dade County Public Schools Division of Mathematics, Science and Advanced Academic Programs February 3, 2011 Science Content and Pacing Grade 8

2 Essential Question On a name tent provide the following… What does survival mean to you? Name School

3 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Purpose Essential Content and Activities Formative Assessments Reflections and Follow-up

4 Purpose of Our Work Provide professional development that translates into improved student learning Improve teacher practice, enhance student learning, close the achievement gap Work together Use each others’ insights and experiences, content or framework from other sources, follow strategies and tools to acquire knowledge, skills and perspectives to address questions about our practice

5 Crunch-Time



8 Differentiating Instruction How we accomplished that today and what can be done in the classroom. What does the research say?

9 Formative Assessments

10 Dr. Erin Furtak, presented at SAN SERVE 2009

11 Formative Assessment A.k.a. everyday assessment or assessment for learning, or the various formal and informal ways teachers get information about and act upon student thinking as part of their daily practice (Atkin & Coffey, 2003) Should be a seamless part of ‘good teaching’ Can take many forms, including: Asking questions to tap student thinking Structured activities to elicit student ideas Listening to group or classroom discussions Looking at student work and giving feedback …and…and…and… Dr. Erin Furtak, presented at SAN SERVE 2009


13 Formative Assessments Uncover Student Thinking

14 Formative Assessment Strategies Agreement Circles (#2) Four Corners Sticky Bars (#55) I Used to Think, but now I know (#28) RERUN (#52) Recall: Summarize what you did in lab Explain: Explain the purpose of the lab Results: Describe the results of the lab and what they mean Uncertainties: Describe what you are still unsure about New: Write at least two (2) new things that you learned from the lab

15 A Closer look at Crunch-time Formative Assessments Group work and presentations of probes

16 Preparing for the Ultimate Test The Summative Assessment

17 Assessment

18 Sample TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) item What differences do you see?

19 Multiple choice questions enable students to demonstrate science achievement by selecting a response from correct and incorrect options. FCAT Only 31% of Florida’s 8 th graders got this correct on the 2007 FCAT.

20 FCAT Gridded Response Items Reminders Enable students to demonstrate science achievement by writing and gridding a correct answer.

21 FCAT Gridded Response Items

22 Sample Gridded Response Item

23 23 wavelength x frequency = wave velocity 23% of Florida students gridded the correct response

24 Were we successful at Providing professional development that translates into improved student learning Improving teacher practice, enhance student learning, close the achievement gap through use of Formative Assessments and Crunch-time resources Using each others’ insights and experiences, content or framework from other sources, follow strategies and tools to acquire knowledge, skills and perspectives to address questions about our practice

25 Resources  Curriculum and Instruction   Instructional Technology (Examview Item Bank)   Florida Department of Education  FCAT Resources -  Florida Standards and Course Descriptions  Florida PROMiSE  Gizmos http://www.explorelearning.com

26 Reflections and Follow-up Reflection: Complete the following statement I used to think….. But, now I know… Follow-up: Select and implement a Formative Assessment Probe. Write a one-page reflection on the progress of increasing the use of formative assessments in classroom practices – identify the probe used. Include name, school, employee number and PD session grade level Send follow-up to Ava Rosales Mail code#9628 – place in school mail no later than February 14, 2011

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