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Chapter 2 and 3 Review and Answers

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1 Chapter 2 and 3 Review and Answers
I can identify key concepts for chapters 2 and 3 in a review.

2 1.Explain the Columbian Exchange
Chapter 2 Section 3 The Impact of Colonization D.) The Columbian Exchange The movement of plants, animals and diseases between hemispheres

3 2. List reasons why European colonists used enslaved Africans for labor
-Africans were immune to European diseases, had no allies in America to help escape provided a cheap source of labor

4 3. List the long term effect of slavery
Racism -The belief that some people are inferior because of their race

5 4.From where did the Americas receive their name?
Explorer Knowledge You Need to Know. America’s name comes from Amerigo Vespucci. A German mapmaker named the continent after Amerigo Vespucci

6 5. Name the goals of European Exploration- (3Gs)
Chapter 2 Section 3 The Impact of Colonization E.) European Exploration Expansion of empires and power, increase in wealth and improved balance of trade, desire to spread Christianity beyond European borders

7 6. Why was the Spanish Armada defeated by the British
6. Why was the Spanish Armada defeated by the British? Why was it important? Explorer Knowledge You Need to Know. They were struck by a huge storm and the British ships were smaller and faster It encouraged other countries to challenge Spain

8 7.Explain what a joint-stock company is- Why was this a good way to finance colonies?
Chapter 3 Section 1 Early Colonies Have Mixed Success C.) Financing a Colony Each investor received pieces of ownership of the company called shares in stock Large sums of $ could be raise with little risk to the investor

9 8. Who told the colonists at Jamestown,”he that will not work, shall not eat”?
Chapter 3 Section 1 Early Colonies Have Mixed Success E.) Jamestown Grows John Smith

10 9.What is an indentured servant?
Chapter 3 Section 1 Early Colonies Have Mixed Success E.) Jamestown Grows Men and women who sold their labor to a person that would finance their passage to colony

11 10. What was the name of the first representative government in the colonies?
Chapter 3 Section 1 Early Colonies Have Mixed Success E.) Jamestown Grows House of Burgesses

12 11. What did the early colonists depend on the Native Americans for?

13 12. What group asked the Virginia Company if they could settle in America “as a distinct body by themselves”? Chapter 3 Section 2 New England Colonies A.) The Voyage of the Mayflower Pilgrims

14 Chapter 3 Section 2 New England Colonies F.) King Phillip’s War
13. What was the name of the war that the Puritans fought against the Native Americans that enables English settlers to expand into Native American Land? Chapter 3 Section 2 New England Colonies F.) King Phillip’s War King Phillip’s War

15 14.William Pen founded Pennsylvania for which group?
Chapter 3 Section 3 III.) New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware Quakers

16 15. Who was the colonial leader of Georgia?
Chapter 3 Section 3 VI.) Georgia James Oglethorpe

17 16. Give an example of a proprietary colony?
Chapter 3 Section 3 II.) New Netherland Becomes New York New Netherlands became a proprietary colony of New York because the Duke of York became the owner of the colony

18 17. Give the reasons for King Phillip’s War-
Colonists kept demanding Native American land

19 18.What is the similarity between Jamestown, Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay?
All colonies were financed by Joint-stock companies

20 19.Give reasons for the failure of Sagadahoc-
Chapter 3 Section 1 B.) Two Early Colonies Fail harsh winters, food shortages, arguments among colonists

21 20.What was the purpose behind the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders Of Connecticut?
Chapter 3 Section 2 D.) The New England Way To put into writing a set of laws to govern the colonies, to establish the Christian heritage of colonies, and to show that the colonists could act as one

22 21. List the challenges to the Puritan’s beliefs-
Founding the 1st Baptist church in the Americas and the opposition to forced attendance at church, teachings that one could worship God without a church, minster or the Bible and the founding of Rhode Island which guaranteed religious freedom

23 22.What was an unusual attribute of the colony of Pennsylvania?
Chapter 3 Section 3 III.) New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware Native Americans were treated equally

24 II.) New Netherland Becomes New York
23.What is the difference between a royal colony and a proprietary colony? Chapter 3 Section 3 II.) New Netherland Becomes New York Royal Colony-under the king Proprietary Colony-private ownership

25 24.For what purpose did the English government want to use the Georgia colony?
Chapter 3 Section 3 VI.) Georgia Military outpost

26 25.What did Bacon’s Rebellion and King Phillip’s war have in common?
Both were fought because colonists wanted more Native American land

27 26.What is a patroon system?
Chapter 3 Section 3 II.) New Netherland Becomes New York Land grant offered to any person who brought 50 settlers to the colony of New Netherland

28 27.What is the New England Way?
Chapter 2 Section 2 D.) The New England Way Godliness, education, hard work, and honesty

29 28. What was the significant factor in the failure of Roanoke?
Chapter 3 Section 1 B.) Two Early Colonies Fail Food shortages caused some to return to England for supplies. When they returned no one was there

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