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Fostering Interactive Discussions Brian Newberry September 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Fostering Interactive Discussions Brian Newberry September 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fostering Interactive Discussions Brian Newberry September 2005

2 Discussion Overview For the Purposes of the Session, a Discussion Is a Course Activity Where Two or More People Exchange Ideas and/or Information This Workshop Will: Review Some of the Reasons for Using Discussions Review Various Discussion Activities Discuss Differences Between Face-to-face and Online Discussions Review Some Technologies That Support Online Discussions Present Suggestions for Increasing the Success of Discussions

3 Purposes for Discussions Student to Student Interaction Reduce Anxiety or Feelings of Social Isolation Icebreaker/introduction Reduce Instructor Workload Divide Large Classes Into Separate Discussion Groups. Have a Designated Member of Each Group Write an Executive Summary

4 Purposes for Discussions Student to Instructor Interaction Increase Instructor Immediacy/Presence Guidance and Motivation

5 Purposes for Discussions Student to Content Interaction Sharing of Perspective Developing Shared Vocabulary Collaboration Peer Review Chapter Summaries/discussion Questions Literature Reviews Polls on Issues Related to the Course Material Debates Case Studies Inquiry What Is Known? What Do We Need to Know? What Have We Learned?

6 Face to Face vs. Online Physical Proximity vs. “Disembodied Others” Availability of Non-Verbal Cues, Posture, Eye Contact, Facial Expressions Availability of Verbal Cues, Tone of Voice, Inflection Media as a Filter or Media as Actor Synchronous vs. Asynchronous

7 Online Discussion Technologies Email/Listserv (Campus, BB) Threaded Discussion (Blackboard) Chat (Blackboard) Bulletin Board (

8 Promoting Discussion All Discussions Make Discussions a Graded Activity Prime the Pump Instructor Presence Is Important, Use Both Recognition and Shaping of Students Contributions Model Appropriate Discussion Behavior Communicate Expectations Clearly

9 Promoting Discussion Face to Face Use the Power of Physical Proximity and Be Flexible Set the Pace Call on Students

10 Promoting Discussion Online Harness the Power of Asynchronous Structure and Use a Timeline. Make Sure Students Can Access the System and Use the Technology Promote Early Engagement, Procrastination Is a Big Issue With Online Interaction Model Effective Interaction Show Students How to Project Themselves Into the Communication (Emoticons, Parentheticals, Etc.) Have a Backup Plan: Develop a Set of Questions That Can Be Emailed to Students for a Written Response If the Discussion Board Is Down

11 Conclusion Discussions are a Useful Tool to Promote Interaction Peer Review, Discussion Questions, Inquiry, are Effective Ways to Structure Discussions Face-to-Face and Online Discussions Have Unique Characteristics Blackboard Supports Threaded Discussion and Chat Use Clear Expectations, Timelines, Grading, Modeling and Instructor Presence to Assist Students in Your Discussions

12 Fostering Interactive Discussions Brian Newberry

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