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E-mail, Online Help, and Web Sites For the first time in centuries, the written word has undergone a quantum metamorphosis, leaping from the printed page.

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2 E-mail, Online Help, and Web Sites For the first time in centuries, the written word has undergone a quantum metamorphosis, leaping from the printed page into cyberspace.

3 The Internet: The Information Highway Electronically links millions of computers around the world. Provides unrestricted access to information. E-mail, online help screens, and Web sites are transmitted via the Internet, an intranet, or an extranet.

4 The Internet: The Information Highway “Internet” refers to the global information system that – Is logically linked together by a globally unique address based on the Internet Protocol (IP). – Is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite or its subsequent extensions. – Provides, uses or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructures.

5 World Wide Web Helps you find information on the Internet along with Web browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Supports documents (Web sites) formatted in a computer language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language).

6 The Intranet: A Company’s Internal Web A contained network. Might include several, linked local area networks (LANs) and connections to the Internet. Belongs to a company. Shares company information among employees.

7 The Extranet: A Web Within a Web Is a collaborative network linking businesses with suppliers, customers, or other businesses that have common goals Allows several companies to share information but also to keep this information within the confines of their collaborative unit.

8 Importance of Online Help Increased use of computers Reduced dependence on hard-copy manuals by consumers Need for readily available online assistance People learn more effectively from online tutorials than from printed manuals.

9 Online Help Systems Employ computer software to help users complete a task. Help menus are excellent examples. Create interactive training tools and informational booths within a document. Offers “just in time” learning or “as needed” information.

10 Online Help Systems Hot button (select the topic of choice from a help list) Pop-up (a small window superimposed on text) or jump (to another full-sized screen layered over text) – Overviews (why a procedure is required and what outcomes are expected) – Processes (how something works) – Definitions (online glossary of terms) – Procedures (step-by-step instructions for completing a task) – Examples (feedback verifying the completion of a task) – Cross references (hypertext links to additional information) – Tutorials (opportunities to practice online)

11 Writing Online Help Organize information for easy navigation. – Three clicks rule Recognize your audience – Determine user’s level of knowledge Achieve a positive, personalized tone – Microsoft’s Office Assistants

12 Writing Online Help Design your document – Use color sparingly; maximize contrast between text color and background color – Be consistent – Use a 10-point sans serif font (small, horizontal feet) – Use white space; avoid excessive emphasis techniques: less is best

13 Writing Online Help Be concise. – Each screen should include one “self-contained” message. Be clear. – Tutorials to guide the reader through a task – Graphics that depict the end result – Cross references – Pop-up definitions Correct your grammar.

14 Technical Writing Criteria Clarity Conciseness Accessibility/Design Audience recognition Audience involvement Accuracy

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