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Southern Colony Name Leader/ Founder Colony Type (P/R) Religion(s)/

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1 Southern Colony Name Leader/ Founder Colony Type (P/R) Religion(s)/
Year Founded Leader/ Founder Colony Type (P/R) Religion(s)/ Beliefs Economy/ Crop(s) Reason for Settlement Misc. Maryland ________ Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia

2 Southern Colony Name Leader/ Founder Colony Type (P/R) Religion(s)/
Year Founded Leader/ Founder Colony Type (P/R) Religion(s)/ Beliefs Economy/ Crop(s) Reason for Settlement Misc. Maryland __1634__ Lord Baltimore, George Calvert P Catholic Tobacco, Lumber, Fishing, Shipping Catholics could worship freely Act of Toleration Rep. Assembly Virginia __1607__ Virginia Co. P, J-S Co., R in 1624 Church of England Tobacco Profit Starving time House of Burgess North Carolina 1653, 1712 Dissatisfied Virginians R in 1729 Various Rice, Tobacco, Plantations Colonial Assembly, Poor, Not as much slavery South Carolina 1663, 1712 8 Nobles/ Charles II R Rice, Indigo, Plantations Slavery Georgia __1732__ James Oglethorpe R in 1752 Silk, Wine, Plantations Haven for debtors, Buffer zone

3 New England Colony Name Year Founded Leader/ Founder Colony Type (P/R)
Religion(s)/ Beliefs Economy/ Crop(s) Reason for Settlement Misc. New Hampshire ____________ Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island

4 Puritan, Separatists New England Colony Name Year Founded Leader/
Founder Colony Type (P/R) Religion(s)/ Beliefs Economy/ Crop(s) Reason for Settlement Misc. New Hampshire __1623, 1679___ John Mason, John Wheelwright R Puritan, Separatists Fur, Fishing, Shipbuilding, Lumber, Stone Religious Freedom Massachusetts __1620, 1629__ William Bradford, John Winthrop Livestock, Fur, Fishing, Shipbuilding, Lumber Mayflower Compact Connecticut _____1635_____ Thomas Hooker Fur, Fishing, Shipbuilding, Lumber Fund. Orders, Fertile soil Rhode Island _____1636______ Roger Williams N/A Various, Dissenters “Sewer”, self -governing

5 Middle Colony Name Year Founded Leader/ Founder Colony Type (P/R)
Religion(s)/ Beliefs Economy/ Crop(s) Reason for Settlement Misc. New York _________ New Jersey __________ Pennsylvania Delaware

6 Middle Colony Name Year Founded Leader/ Founder Colony Type (P/R)
Religion(s)/ Beliefs Economy/ Crop(s) Reason for Settlement Misc. New York ____1664_____ Peter Stuyvesant (D), Duke of York (E) R Church of England Fur, Lumber Religious Freedom Stolen by British from Dutch New Jersey ____1664______ Lord Berkeley, Sir George Carteret R in 1702 Quaker Fur Originally part of NY Pennsylvania ____1682______ William Penn P, R in 1681 Fur, Lumber, Shipbuilding Religious Freedom 1-house legislature Delaware ___1638, 1701__ Peter Minuit, New Sweden Co. P Stolen by D and E, Originally part of Penn.

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