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Software & Equipment to Create an Effective Technological Learning Environment Casey Grasso MW 9:25.

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1 Software & Equipment to Create an Effective Technological Learning Environment Casey Grasso MW 9:25

2 Goals Have a 21 st century approach while educating by introducing technology to the classroom. With technology I can: Promote engagement in the classroom (Smartboard, projector, Iclicker) Stimulate inventive thinking (tablets/iPad) Induce personal responsibility and ability to plan and manage results (Engrade)

3 SMARTBOARD 800 Interactive Series An interactive learning tool used in many classrooms today to promote engagement. Teachers can create Smart Board activities like sound- enhanced lessons, web screen shots, PowerPoint presentations, Excel spreadsheets and video presentations. Multiple students can interact at one time

4 Cost The Smartboard 800 Interactive Series costs $1,999. Where to buy? Educators can purchase this Smartboard or any other products from the “smart vendor” at – Use/Value Allows students to become interactive with the lesson plan Gets them out of their seats and engaged Greater effort to make students think critically Helps visual learners understand material better because everything becomes visual with the smart board

5 BenQ MX613ST Projector Works alongside with Smartboard #1 Education Projector Project info from the Internet to the screen Makes easier to enhance ideas for lessons presenting the internet Makes learning fun! For Physical Education classes: Project students’ biomechanics while practicing super fundamental skills

6 Cost The BenQ MX613ST Projector costs $599 Where to buy? Educators can purchase this projector online at Projector Central Use/Value Collaborates with Smartboards with aid for visual learning Decreases need for textbooks because of a central place to read Turns ordinary lessons into multimedia experiences Makes front row seats the prime seating!

7 Ipad 2 Gives students other options to learn material other than provided textbook (internet) Extends students’ thinking. Stores documents and allows students to email work rather than print Small enough to use in any setting For Physical Education classes: Calculate progress with super fundamental skills Youtube skills to practice while home

8 Cost The iPad 2 costs around $399 Where to buy? Educators can purchase the iPad 2 online at or at the Apple Store Use/Value Individual Input as Part of a Larger Group or Class Project- which units the students are most interested in Learning Center or Station- record skill and evaluate Cooperative Learning Tool-make graph of progress and compare results with a partner

9 Engrade Free online gradebook viewable for parents and students Allows students to manage their schedule 24/7 access to grades Upload files, post homework and list class events. Record attendance daily

10 Cost FREE Where to buy? Online at http://www.engrade.com Use/Value Instant progress reports Share custom class study guides, lesson plans, and online textbooks with students Free, safe, secure.

11 Iclickers Clickers to gather influential assessment on students during lecture Ensures 100% student participation Anonymous responses Allows educator what material needs to be reviewed by number of responses Can be used for polls, quizzes, etc.

12 Cost $38.34 for one Iclicker Where to buy? Online at Use/Value Yes/No, true/false, multiple choice questions 250 hour plus battery Teacher can use Iclicker to change slides on ppt

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