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The Blue and The Gray Total War Continues. Union Army  Money, Men, Railroads  Not a war against slavery  Economics and Nationalism.

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Presentation on theme: "The Blue and The Gray Total War Continues. Union Army  Money, Men, Railroads  Not a war against slavery  Economics and Nationalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Blue and The Gray Total War Continues

2 Union Army  Money, Men, Railroads  Not a war against slavery  Economics and Nationalism

3 Abraham Lincoln  Republican President  Critical Thinker  Willing to push envelope with presidential powers  Showed respect and restraint with adversaries  No efficient team of advisors for information collection  No control of congress or administration

4 Union Military Leaders  Not a strength!  McClellan: idea man, presented well, man of swagger, implementation not his strength  Took leadership role after Bull Run debacle  Never on Lincoln’s good side  Replaced by General Ambrose Burnside; poor military strategies  Soon replaced by Ulysses S. Grant

5 Grant  West Point graduate  Reputation as a heavy drinker  Failed businessman and farmer  Success in early campaigns in the war  Eventually hailed as the General to defeat Robert E. Lee

6 Jefferson Davis  President of the Confederacy  Came with high credentials: West Point graduate, successful plantation owner, bright, and industrious  Lacked in interpersonal skills at times  Many disputes with his advisors, held grudges, made enemies amongst his own, burned bridges  Not a great military strategist

7 Confederate Military leaders  Robert E. Lee  Often misunderstood because of his gentle courteous manner  Bold and impressive military strategist  Held the respect of his men, and those around him  Never a great supporter of secession  Used psychology as a weapon

8 Battles  Bull Run: July 1861  Chaos  Neither side militarily prepared  Result:  A draw  Confederate Army morale boosted  Union faced with the enormity of task

9 Battles Cont…  Shiloh: April 1862 in Tennessee  Great losses on both sides  Grant and Union army got a surprise attack  Able to recover and counterattack, but shaken  Opportunity missed  Union loss: 13,000  Confederate: 10,700  Two days of fighting

10 Cont…..  Antietam: September 1862  Lee’s move to show strength and force on Northern soil  McClellan’s good fortune, Lee’s plans  Took upper hand, Lee at a disadvantage  70,000 Union soldiers vs. 40,000 Confederate  22,000 dead in the end  McClellan’s opportunity to be redeemed, did not act, Lincoln had enough!

11 Emancipation Proclamation  Fighting brought new ideologies  Free the bondsman only to injure his master!  Antietam Opened door for Lincoln to act  Emancipation Proclamation  Impact subtle  No slaves immediately free  Some too much, others not enough  Europe now completely on side of North

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