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 Anything Subtracted from your gross income.  Legal allowances that reduce the amount of income taxes subtracted from your gross income.

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Presentation on theme: " Anything Subtracted from your gross income.  Legal allowances that reduce the amount of income taxes subtracted from your gross income."— Presentation transcript:


2  Anything Subtracted from your gross income.

3  Legal allowances that reduce the amount of income taxes subtracted from your gross income.

4  Wages or salary before deductions for taxes and other purposes.

5  Federal government program, financed by deductions from wages, that pays for certain health expenses for older citizens.

6  Commonly called “Take home pay”; it is your income after deductions and exemptions.

7  A federal program that provides retirement, survivor’s, and disability benefits, funded by a tax on income, which appears on worker’s pay stubs as a deduction labeled FICA.

8  Federal Income Contributions Act

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