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HOLES AND GOALS: MUSIC HISTORY Linda Cruikshank. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS  What are the different time periods and what genres of music would you expect in.

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Presentation on theme: "HOLES AND GOALS: MUSIC HISTORY Linda Cruikshank. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS  What are the different time periods and what genres of music would you expect in."— Presentation transcript:


2 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS  What are the different time periods and what genres of music would you expect in each?  Within those different genres of music, what are the different forms that were associated with each?  Which composers were exemplars in each genre/time period?

3 ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS  Distinguish between different time periods, especially classical, romantic, baroque, impressionist: orchestration is a key component, tonality, and instrumentation are all important in distinguishing between the time periods.  Knowing distinctive characteristics of different composers makes it easier to distinguish their music.  On the same token, knowing the time period the piece is coming from, the easier it is to decide who the composer is.

4 PRODUCTS  Music History Timeline: 1350-1900’s On 3x5 index cards I researched and found composers, their time period, and exemplar works  Practice Praxis II test Took a 100-question practice test, graded it, and then on the answers I got wrong I went through and wrote down the correct answer  Pandora Music Listening Quiz Put Pandora, Inc. classical radio station on shuffle and listened for two (2) one- hour periods, wrote down who I thought the composer was and why  Six haikus that involve the five time periods Loved this activity, making a very concise definition about each time period, actually kind of difficult

5 RESOURCES Four resources helped me out the most:    Norton Anthology of the History of Western Music  Praxis II practice book and test

6 REFLECTIONS  I have been bad at history since fifth grade when I received my first “C”. Things did not get better in undergrad. Luckily, through this project, I was able to re-learn, somewhat, what I was taught in the past.  Unfortunately, I have a lot of information that I must continue to keep learning because even though I have learned and reviewed, if I were to be asked what specific terms were I would still struggle to find some answers.

7 QUESTIONS  How can I keep my mind fresh in terms of remembering music history once I’m out of the classroom again?  Is there something else I can do to remember things or should I just keep on practicing and reading in the hopes of it all clicking at some point?

8 NEXT STEPS…  Keep my index card timeline and use as a reference when needed and pull it out every so often to practice.  Keep up with listening to classical music, something that I have stopped in recent years.  If you have any ideas, feel free to let me know!

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