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Title:The outsiders Author:Hinton Date/Year Published:1967 Genre:Epic Period:3 Name:Gilbert p Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Title:The outsiders Author:Hinton Date/Year Published:1967 Genre:Epic Period:3 Name:Gilbert p Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title:The outsiders Author:Hinton Date/Year Published:1967 Genre:Epic Period:3 Name:Gilbert p Class

2 Setting  It takes place in a ghetto neiborhood it was in 1983 in the inside of the house was dark and the out side was a bright light that was shining right at the house.

3 Characters  Ponyboy is the main one in the story he has light brown allmost red hair greenish gray eyes Sodapop dark gold hair hard dark brown eyes.Darry he has bluesh green eyes dark brown hair.Twobit he is 6ft tall stoky and builds rusty colored side burns gray eyes wide grin. Steve tall lean thick greasy hair.dallas hair allmost white soo blond eyes blue blazing ice. Jonny smaller than the rest of them big black eyes dark tanned fare hair jet black.

4 Plot: Conflict  There out side late at night they cant do that some of them can becouse there old they dont haflt to stay inside and there runing away from cops couse jonny kild Bob and they get away safe to school.

5 Plot: Resolution  They where at school and all he was thinking about was paul new man and a ride home from school.he had bad things in mind

6 Your Opinion  My opinion of this book I don’t like it becouse it talks about all the bad stuff people shouldn’t do at night like kill some one.and be out late when there pearents don’t know that is very dangeras

7 About the Author  She was still a student will rogers high school in tulsa oklahoma when she made this book The out siders when she was 14 years old greaser named ponyboy curtis.

8 5 Test Questions  Wy does jonny kill Bob? why are they out late at night? why did they go to the movies? why dint they just go home? why do they have gangs they should stop doing bad things?

9 Summary  The book is about some young adults that sneak out at night there where at the movies at first when they got out of the movies there where some guys that came by in a car and told the girl to get in or I will kill yall and she got in and they took her some where we don’t know and at the end they where all arguing about what happen they where mad at each other becouse jonny killd Bob

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