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Presentation on theme: "USING THE DMS MEDIA CENTER BULLDOG BASICS FOR SUCCESS."— Presentation transcript:


2 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY Dutch – DMS Media Center Mascot

3 DUTCH SAYS: Meet our wonderful media staff! From left to right: Ms. Swope Mrs. Dial Ms. Richardson “The love of learning, the sequestered nooks/ And all the sweet serenity of books.” H.W. Longfellow

4 CHECKOUT BASICS You may check out two books. If your book is late, there will be a fine of ten cents a day.

5 REMEMBER Your teacher is not responsible for returning your books. Turn your books in on time and avoid paying late fees.

6 DUTCH BEGS When your fine reaches $2.00, you will not be allowed to check out until the fine is paid. Save your money! Buy me a dog biscuit!

7 DUTCH THE BULLDOG SAYS: Treat your books the way you treat your bulldog: keep them safe, dry, and don’t wrinkle the pages.

8 PLEASE, PLEASE… Don’t lend your books to a friend. Don’t leave your books on a desk or a table for someone to take. You will be the one to pay for them if they are missing!

9 A FEW MORE WORDS FROM DUTCH Be considerate of others. No loud barking or talking in the media center. We don’t want to have to ask you to leave.

10 BULLDOGS ON THE COMPUTER- RESEARCH BASICS FOR SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS Don’t go straight to Google or Yahoo. Try Galileo, WilsonWeb and Netrekker first. Government web sites are great sources of information.

11 DUTCH SAYS: No games may be played on our computers. We monitor all computer use. Don’t make us bark at you!

12 Dutch is very sorry but … We are not able to print for you. Bring your jump drive or save your work to your student drive.

13 FOLLOW THE BULLDOG PATH OR WHERE DO I FIND IT? Fiction– imaginative stories and chapter books that will let you go anywhere, experience anything, become anything. There are no limits! FIC SMI

14 The whole truth and nothing but the truth Nonfiction is composed of books about sports, music, literature, history, religion, science, animals, technology… and much more. It’s enough to make a bulldog crazy trying to choose the next book to read! 796- Sports 811-Poetry 636- Domestic Animals

15 PEOPLE, PEOPLE, PEOPLE! A Biography is a true story about real people. B OBA

16 MORE TREASURES TO FIND Reference books– encyclopedias, almanacs, and more- what’s a bulldog to choose? Students may not check out reference books or magazines. Magazines- Just look for the beanbags and curl up like a bulldog!

17 WHEN TIME IS SHORT… Story Collection – The best short stories are found in bulldog country! SC POE

18 BULLDOG BOOK OF THE MONTH Available for checkout when the month is over. Find it and others like it and have a good read!

19 USING THE DUTCHTOWN DINER You must check out a book and have permission from your teacher to sit in the diner. You must read silently and stay seated. Come and feast on a good book!

20 DUTCH SAYS: Please enjoy our wonderful Media Center. Come back soon! We will always greet you with a happy face and a joyful bulldog bark!


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