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Prefixes and Suffixes Grade 3 Language Arts.

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Presentation on theme: "Prefixes and Suffixes Grade 3 Language Arts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prefixes and Suffixes Grade 3 Language Arts

2 A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a base word.
What is a prefix? A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a base word.

3 A suffix is a word part added to the ending of a base word.
What is a suffix? A suffix is a word part added to the ending of a base word.

4 Let’s practice reading these words.
un + fair = unfair = help + er helper = + friend ly friendly

5 Let’s practice reading these words.
un + happy = unhappy = farm + er farmer = + sad ly sadly

6 Let’s practice reading these words.
un + hurt = unhurt = care + ful careful = + hope ful hopeful

7 Let’s practice reading these words.
+ make = remake = un + like unlike = re retell + tell

8 The prefix re- means “again”.
What does it mean? The prefix re- means “again”. Remake means to make again.

9 What’s it mean? Retell means… to not tell to tell again

10 The prefix un- means “not” or “the opposite of”.
What does it mean? The prefix un- means “not” or “the opposite of”. Unhappy means not happy.

11 What’s it mean? Unfair means… in a fair way not fair

12 What’s it mean? Unhurt means… not hurt hurt again

13 What’s it mean? Unlike means… to like again not like

14 Unimportant means… What’s it mean? in an important way
opposite of important

15 The suffix -ful means “full of”.
What does it mean? The suffix -ful means “full of”. Careful means full of care.

16 What’s it mean? Hopeful means… in a hoping way full of hope

17 The suffix -ly means “in a certain way”.
What does it mean? The suffix -ly means “in a certain way”. Friendly means in a friend kind of a way.

18 What’s it mean? Sadly means… in a sad way full of sad

19 What’s it mean? Silently means… in a silent way full of silence

20 The suffix -er means “a person who”.
What does it mean? The suffix -er means “a person who”. Helper means a person who helps.

21 What’s it mean? Farmer means… more farm a person who farms

22 Great Job!!! We read words with prefixes and suffixes. We also decided the meaning of the word based on its prefix or suffix.

23 skip + ed = skipped swim + ing = swimming jump + ed = jumped
Endings: -ed and -ing skip + ed = skipped swim + ing = swimming jump + ed = jumped

24 love + ed = loved run + ing = running try + ed = tried
Endings: -ed and -ing love + ed = loved run + ing = running try + ed = tried

25 Scott told Mom about how he and Dad _________ from the grizzly.
Complete the sentence Scott told Mom about how he and Dad _________ from the grizzly. escapped escaped escapeed

26 “I wonder why the grizzly ______ towards us,” said Scott.
Complete the sentence “I wonder why the grizzly ______ towards us,” said Scott. steped stepied stepped

27 “She was ____ for her cubs,” said Dad.
Complete the sentence “She was ____ for her cubs,” said Dad. caring carring carrin

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