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Invades England in 1066 A.D. Was cousin to King Edward of England—who died childless earlier that year; Harold, earl of Wessex had been crowned the following.

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Presentation on theme: "Invades England in 1066 A.D. Was cousin to King Edward of England—who died childless earlier that year; Harold, earl of Wessex had been crowned the following."— Presentation transcript:


2 Invades England in 1066 A.D. Was cousin to King Edward of England—who died childless earlier that year; Harold, earl of Wessex had been crowned the following day. Claimed that Edward had promised him the throne. Sails the English Channel with a giant army in October 1066—Battle of Hastings (day-long battle). Doesn’t want to conquer the Anglo-Saxons, just to govern them.

3 Combines the English (Anglo-Saxon) culture with the new government. William gives land to all his Barons who had been loyal to him. He makes a record of every piece of property—land, cattle, buildings—in a book called the “Domesday Book.” Sets up an entirely new social system—Feudalism.

4 A political and military system based on religious concept of rank: King Lord Vassal Knight Serf All-powerful over-lord and landowner through “divine right” Noble who had the power to grant land to vassals. Tenant who received land (fief) from a lord in exchange for military service and loyalty. Armored warrior—vassals had to provide their lords with military service in the form of knights (the larger the fief the more knights). Peasants who worked on and were bound to vassals’ lands.


6 Heavily padded undergarment of leather Mail shirt Mail covered neck elbows, and other joints Armor—breast plate, plate arm, leg, and foot pieces Gauntlets constructed of linked plates covered the hands

7 Some suits of armor weighed 120 pounds! Contained up to 200 custom-fitted iron plates or more Held together by rivets, leather straps, hinges, turning pins, buckles, and pegs Carried a variety of weapons: lance, dagger, sword, battle- ax, and club-headed mace

8 Limited ventilation lead to heat stroke. Suffocation Heart failure Drowning Falling—couldn’t get up from on their back

9 Because the primary duty of a male (above a serf) was military service, boys began training at a very young age. When training was completed, he was dubbed, or ceremonially tapped on his shoulder (originally a hard blow to test the boy’s courage) Knighthood was the feudal ideal of loyalty and it was based on a complex system of social codes—and breaking them would undermine the knight’s position.

10 A system of ideals and social codes governing the behavior of knights. i.e. never attacking an unarmed opponent. Took an oath of loyalty “Courtly love” - ideal form of love, where a knight would adore a lady—nonsexually. (**NOT physical love) Wear his lady’s colors in battle and be inspired by her She remains pure and out of reach

11 “No voice, no choice” Women had no political rights The social standing of her husband or father determined the degree of respect she commanded The only role of peasant women was childbearing, housework, and hard fieldwork Women of higher stations would manage entire estates while husbands were at war or gone on business but when the men returned, it was back to normal

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