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The Mauryan and Gupta Empires: 321 BCE – 550 CE Chapter 9: State, Society and the Quest for Salvation in India Classic Empires? Jainism: 5 th Century BCE.

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Presentation on theme: "The Mauryan and Gupta Empires: 321 BCE – 550 CE Chapter 9: State, Society and the Quest for Salvation in India Classic Empires? Jainism: 5 th Century BCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mauryan and Gupta Empires: 321 BCE – 550 CE Chapter 9: State, Society and the Quest for Salvation in India Classic Empires? Jainism: 5 th Century BCE Increased trade Development of jati Development of Buddhism Development of Mahayana Buddhism 3 rd century BCE Development of Popular Hinduism The Bhagavad Gita 400 CE

2 The necessary education, drill, and discipline to cultivate militarism were confined to the members of one community, the Ksatriyas. This prevented the militant attitude from spreading to other communities and kept the whole social structure unaffected by actual wars and war institutions. Says the Arthva Veda: "May we revel, living a hundred winters, rich in heroes." The whole country looked upon the members of the kshatriya community as defenders of their country and consequently did not grudge the high influence and power wielded by the Kshatriyas, who were assigned a social rank next in importance to the intellectual and spiritual needs of the society First to unite India: Chandragupta Maurya 320s BCE


4 Siddhartha as a Boddhisatva Ashoka Maurya r. 268-232 BCE High point of Mauryan Empire


6 "All religions should reside everywhere, for all of them desire self-control and purity of heart." Rock Edict Nb7 (S. Dhammika) "Here (in my domain) no living beings are to be slaughtered or offered in sacrifice." Rock Edict Nb1 (S. Dhammika) "Contact (between religions) is good. One should listen to and respect the doctrines professed by others. Beloved-of-the-Gods, King Piyadasi, desires that all should be well-learned in the good doctrines of other religions.“ Rock Edict Nb12 (S. Dhammika) "One benefits in this world and gains great merit in the next by giving the gift of the Dhamma." Rock Edict Nb11 (S. Dhammika) "Happiness in this world and the next is difficult to obtain without much love for the Dhamma, much self-examination, much respect, much fear (of evil), and much enthusiasm." Pilar Edict Nb1 (S. Dhammika)

7 Spread of Buddhism under Ashoka Maurya 268-232 BCE Decline of Empire? Similar to anywhere else? Achievements: Territorial Expansion Spread of Buddhism Positive leadership = Political/Cultural Unity Communication links Death of Ashoka = no strong successor = economic crisis = Devaluation of currency =military not supported by shortfall in tax revenue = states left empire

8 The Gupta Empire: ~ 320 – 500 CE Chandra Gupta II 375 – 415 CE Decentralized leadership Local states still retain some power


10 spices spices gold & ivory rice & wheat horses cotton goods silks Extensive Trade of the 4 th C CE

11 International Trade Routes during the Golden Age of the Gupta Empire

12 Medicine Literature Mathematics Astronomy Printed medicinal guides 1000 diseases classified Plastic Surgery C-sections performed Inoculations 500 healing plants identified Decimal System Concept of Zero PI = 3.1416 Kalidasa Solar Calendar The earth is round Gupta India Gupta Achievements Hindu revival With death of Ashoka: Bhagavad Gita

13 The moral of the game was that a person can attain salvation (Moksha) through performing good deeds whereas by doing evil one takes rebirth in lower forms of life (Patamu). The number of Ladders was less than the number of Snakes as a reminder that treading the path of good is very difficult compared to committing sins. Presumably the number "100" represented Moksha (Salvation).

14 Decline of the Gupta Empire? Invasion of The White Huns ~ 450 CE

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