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God’s Will Reading and Applying God’s Signs For Your Life.

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Presentation on theme: "God’s Will Reading and Applying God’s Signs For Your Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 God’s Will Reading and Applying God’s Signs For Your Life

2 Lesson Overview 1.The Yield Sign 2.The Telephone Sign 3.The turn on Your Headlights Sign 4.The Information Sign 5.The Rest Area Sign 6.The “No Right Turn” Sign 7.The Carpool Sign 8.The “No Parking” Sign 9.The Stop Sign 10.The “Fork in the Road” Sign

3 Lesson Overview 7.Conclusion 8.Life’s Tough Choices 9.How to Follow God

4 God’s Will Lesson 1 Major decisions we all contemplate

5 God’s Will Lesson 1 1.Observation – spotting the signposts 2.Interpret – rightly understand what the sign posts mean 3.Application – obey what the signs say The Process of Discerning God’s Will

6 God’s Will Lesson 1 1.Father of Mercies (2 Cor. 1:3 2.Good shepherd (John 10:11) 3.Sovereign God ( 1 John 3:1) 4.Father who gives good gifts (James 1:17) 5.Perfect will ( Rom. 12:2) What God’s Will is Like

7 God’s Will Lesson 1 Wise men understand God’s Will (Eph. 5:5-17) So we can walk in a manner worthy of the Lord (Col.1:9) Why We Need God’s Will

8 God’s Will Lesson 1 God promised to give us an ability to discern His divine will (James 1:5) We need His perspective and eternal value system to filter through our decisions The Promise of God’s Will

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