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Presented by Joseph K. Berry Adjunct Faculty in Geosciences, Department of Geography, University of Denver Adjunct Faculty in Natural Resources, Warner.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Joseph K. Berry Adjunct Faculty in Geosciences, Department of Geography, University of Denver Adjunct Faculty in Natural Resources, Warner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Joseph K. Berry Adjunct Faculty in Geosciences, Department of Geography, University of Denver Adjunct Faculty in Natural Resources, Warner College of Natural Resources, Colorado State University Principal, Berry & Associates // Spatial Information Systems Email: — Website: There is a “map-ematics” that extends traditional math/stat concepts and procedures for the quantitative analysis of spatial data This workshop provides a fresh perspective on interdisciplinary instruction at the college level by combining the philosophy and approach of STEM with the spatial reasoning and analytical power of grid-based Map Analysis and Modeling This PowerPoint is posted at SpatialSTEM: A Mathematical Structure for Understanding, Communicating and Teaching Fundamental Concepts in Spatial Reasoning, Map Analysis and Modeling Workshop Session 1 — Spatial Analysis Operations

2 SpatialSTEM Seminar Review (big picture) Traditional math/stat procedures can be extended into geographic space to… “think analytically with maps” …using a map-ematics for analysis/modeling Spatial Derivative Advanced Grid Math Spatial Integral Spatial Analysis “Contextual” Relationships Effective Proximity Optimal Path Visual Exposure Spatial Statisti cs “Numerical” Relationships Surface Modeling Linking Data Space (What) and Geographic Space (Where) Spatial Clustering Localized Correlation Nature of Grid- based Map Data Analysis Frame Grid Map Layer (Matrix of Numbers) Map Stack Lat/Lon Grid (4 inch squares) Grid Map analogy to a Spreadsheet Lat/Lon Coordinates as a Universal Spatial DBMS Key 1) quantitative analysis of maps is a reality (GIS) 2) spatial relationships exist and are quantifi able (STEM)SpatialSTEM “Technology Tool” vs. “Analysis Tool” Geotechnology as 21 st Century “mega-technology” Spatial Triad (RS, GIS, GPS) “Descriptive Mapping” vs. “Prescriptive Analysis” Maps are organized sets of numbers first, pictures later Last slide has “live links” by slide # to online materials for further study Handout, PowerPoint and Online References …also see for the online book Beyond Mapping III Handout, PowerPoint and Online References …also see for the online book Beyond Mapping III (Berry) SpatialSTEM_case.ppt

3 Composite Display COVERTYPE Map Water Polygons #11, #12 Meadow Polygon #21 Forest Polygons #31, #32 Vector (Spatial & Attribute Tables) Raster (Grid Matrix) Mapping/Geo-Query (Discrete, Spatial Objects) (Continuous, Map Surfaces) Map Analysis/Modeling Where – a Spatial Table contains X,Y coordinates delineating the location of each point, line and polygon boundary What – a linked Attribute Table contains text/values indicating the classification of each spatial object : ID#21 X,Y : : : ID#21 Meadow : : Spatial Table Attribute Table Where – Cell Position in the matrix determines location within a continuous, regular grid What – Cell Value in the matrix indicates the classification at that location Vector vs. Raster Data Forms (analytical perspective) Preconditioned for Analysis …grid-based mapped data is “Preconditioned for Analysis” as spatial topology is inherent in the matrix (Berry)

4 Analysis Frame Col 3, Row 22 The Analysis Frame provides consistent “parceling” needed for map analysis and extends discrete Points, Lines and Polygons… Col 1, Row 1 Origin Col 1, Row 1 Origin 3D Surface (stair steps) Grid A Grid Map consists of a matrix of numbers with a value indicating the characteristic/condition at each grid cell location— Raster (continuous) Grid Data Structure (fundamental organizational concepts) Contour Lines Intervals Vector (discrete) Elevation Contour Interval 2300-2500’ 3D Surface (gradient) …to continuous Map Surfaces Map Stack …forming a set of geo-registered Map Layers or “Map Stack” Data listing for a Map Stack Drill-down (Berry)

5 Exercise 1-1) Map Analysis Framework (grid-based data structure and example analysis) Companion Materials on the Map Analysis CD-ROM (or Flash Drive) MapCalc Learner Installation Note: there lots of additional materials on the CD such as additional readings, exercises, color figures, and software to include a fully functional demo version of Surfer software a very popular and versatile package for Surface Modeling of field data and 3D graphics. I have found that an Elevation map and the Slope operation are ideal for demonstrating grid map data structure, display and analysis capabilities— most (all?) students have a good understanding of terrain as a surface and terrain steepness as a concept (particularly if they ski, hike or climb). Display Tools …the following “hands- on” experience is designed to gain familiarity with grid-based data structure and display of map surfaces Contour Lines Contour Intervals 3D Lattice 3D Grid …pushes up each cell to its stored value (blocky) …pushes the nodes of the wireframe to the stored value (smooth) (Berry) Example Map Analysis …the following “hands-on” experience is designed to gain familiarity accessing map analysis operations by calculating a Slope map from the Elevation surface that identifies a continuous surface of terrain steepness (the Spatial Derivative) Slopemap (Spatial Derivative) Slopemap draped over Elevation Steep Gentle Map Calculus (Spatial Derivative)

6 GIS as “Technical Tool” (Where is What) vs. “Analytical Tool” (Why, So What and What if) Spatial Analysis extends the basic set of discrete map features (points, lines and polygons) to map surfaces that represent continuous geographic space as a set of contiguous grid cells, and thereby provides a mathematical/statistical framework for analyzing and modeling the Contextual Spatial Relationships within and among grid map layers Map Analysis Toolbox Basic GridMath & Map Algebra ( + - * / ) Advanced GridMath (Math, Trig, Logical Functions) Map Calculus (Spatial Derivative, Spatial Integral) Map Geometry (Euclidian Proximity, Effective Proximity, Narrowness) Plane Geometry Connectivity (Optimal Path, Optimal Path Density) Solid Geometry Connectivity (Viewshed, Visual Exposure) Unique Map Analytics (Contiguity, Size/Shape/Integrity, Masking, Profile) Mathematical Perspective: Map StackGrid Layer Spatial Analysis Operations (Geographic Context) (Berry)

7 Basic GridMath & Map Algebra ( + - * / ) Advanced GridMath (Math, Trig, Logical Functions) Basic Grid Math and Map Algebra Example (Precision Agriculture) (Berry)

8 Exercise 1-2) Using Grid Math and Map Algebra Operations (calculating difference and percent change maps) Note: other grid map surfaces for two time periods can be substituted, such as pollution levels or barometric pressure or wildlife activity or sales revenue or home values. The objectives of the exercise is to experience visualization of surface data (map variables) and executing a simple grid math operation then extending the processing to spatially evaluating a familiar algebraic equation—map variables are just organized sets of numbers. There are numerous exercise “tweaking” possibilities depending on the discipline and class environment involved– we can discuss in Workshop Session 3. My only caveat is to use hypothetical data and not attempt to download and geo-register real data (or worse, local data) unless you have considerable GIS experience. Evaluating and Algebraic Equation …the following “hands-on” experience spatially evaluates the standard Percent Change equation to generate a map of percent change (spatially disaggregated solution) instead of a single change value (spatially aggregated solution) Calculating a Difference Map …the following “hands-on” experience is designed to demonstrate an application of a basic Grid Math operation (minus) on two map variables Operators - basic mathematical operations, i.e., Sum, Difference Common - mathematical functions, i.e., Exponent, Square Root Logical - relational operators, i.e., AND, OR Grid - statistical functions, i.e., Maximum, Minimum Trig - trigonometric functions, i.e., Sine, Tangent, Cosine …most of the math functions on a pocket calculator  Crop Yield Maps …the following “hands-on” experience is designed to gain familiarity with the yield map surfaces for a farmer’s field (Berry)

9 LOCATIONS 1 Ranch 2 Cabin 3 Thisplace 4 Thatplasce 5 Anotherplace Ranch Cabin Three Measurement Methods Analog– align ruler and count the implied grid spaces Mathematical– count the grid spaces along the sides of an implied right triangle and solve c 2 = a 2 + b 2 Algorithmic– “SPLASH” a b c Pythagorean Theorem Propagating Distance “Waves” (simple and effective proximity) Distance is the “shortest straight line between two points” …Simple Proximity relaxes “two points” requirement …Effective Proximity relaxes the “straight line” requirement by considering intervening relative and absolute barriers to movement …left with the modern concept of distance as the set of shortest not necessarily straight paths among locations—”Proximity Surfaces” (Berry) How far? a b A series of wavefronts (ripples) form concentric halos of one grid space increments. This procedure extends the concept of Distance to that of Proximity Distance—S, SL, 2P Proximity—S, SL …like nailing the ruler and spinning it

10 Variable-Width Buffers (simple vs. uphill) Simple Buffer – “as-the-crow-flies” proximity to the road; no absolute or relative barriers are considered; dark blue line indicates the full simple buffer reach (polygon) Clipped Buffer – simple proximity for just the land areas Uphill Buffer – simple proximity to the road for just the areas that are uphill from the road; absolute barrier (uphill only– absolutely no downhill steps) Downhill (Berry) Map Geometry (Euclidian Proximity, Effective Proximity)

11 Exercise 1-3) Map Geometry (Euclidian Proximity, Effective Proximity) Simple Proximity …the following “hands-on” exercise provides experience in calculating “simple” proximity surfaces (as the crow flies) first from a single point and then from a set lines. …from Turnout1 to everywhere …from Roads to everywhere Effective Proximity …the following exercise is designed to provide experience in calculating “effective” proximity surfaces (as the crow walks). …from Turnout1 just along roads …hiking from Roads to everywhere (Berry)

12 Calculating Visual Connectivity (sequentially assessing the tangent) Seen if new tangent exceeds all previous tangents along the line of sight— Absolute Barrier At Thru ) Onto …like proximity, Visual Connectivity starts somewhere (starter cell) and moves through geographic space by steps (wave front)– like a lighthouse beam … Radiate – visual connectivity is calculated by a series of “waves” that carry the tangent to beat Viewshed Simply – at least one viewer location “sees” a map location (binary seen or not seen) Visual Exposure Completely – number of “viewers” that see each location (relative density) Weighted – viewer cell value is added (relative importance) (Berry)

13 Visual Exposure (simple sum and weighted sum) A Visual Exposure map identifies how many times each location is seen from an “extended eyeball” composed of numerous viewer locations, such as a road network (simple sum) Completely – number of “viewers” that see each location (relative density) In calculating a Weighted Visual Exposure map, different road types are weighted by the relative number of cars per unit of time …the total “number of cars” replaces the “number of times seen” for each grid location (weighted sum) Weighted – viewer cell value is added (relative importance) (Berry)

14 Variable-Width Buffers (line-of-sight connectivity) Line-of-Sight Buffer – identifies all land locations (clipped) within 250m that can be seen from the road… 250m “viewshed” of the road Line-of-Sight Exposure – notes the number of times each location in the buffer is seen Line-of-Sight Noise – locations hidden behind a ridge or farther away from a source (road) greatly decrease noise levels. (Berry) Solid Geometry Connectivity (Viewshed, Visual Exposure)

15 Exercise 1-4) Solid Geometry Connectivity (Viewshed, Visual Exposure) …Viewshed from Turnout1 to everywhere …Viewshed from Roads to everywhere Viewshed Analysis …the following exercise is designed to provide experience in calculating the Viewshed of one or more viewing locations (binary seen/not seen by at least one viewer location). …Visual Exposure from Roads to everywhere Viewshed Analysis …the following exercise is designed to provide experience in calculating the Viewshed of one or more viewing locations (binary seen/not seen by at least one viewer location). (Berry)

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