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Introduction to the Careers Service for Masters students International Student Orientation Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Careers Service for Masters students International Student Orientation Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Careers Service for Masters students International Student Orientation Programme

2 2 Aims To give you an overview of the Oxford University Careers Service and the resources available to help you To give you some tips about making the most of the next year

3 Who we are! Free service for Oxford University undergraduate and postgraduate students, Researchers and alumni 56 Banbury Road, and online Impartial, confidential, experienced, understanding, helpful! 3

4 What we do Help you to assess your skills and to relate them to particular areas of employment Provide information on occupations, vacancies, further study, work experience (temporary and Summer work) Help you to develop your own strategy Provide feedback on CVs or application forms Provide skills coaching for preparing for interviews, making applications, negotiation skills, etc 4

5 What we don’t do! We do not tell you what career you should pursue We do not tell you who to apply to We cannot give you personal advice about visas We do not find people jobs! 5

6 Resources available to you Careers Advisers (sector responsibility) – Duty and longer discussions Web sites Careers Information – occupations and companies International section Further study in UK/outside UK (funding information) Oxford Careers Network Careers Fairs Careers Talks/employer presentations Psychometric testing Skills seminars Publications, DVDs, magazines, journals Vacancy information - web site database Online career tools E-mail newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, etc 6

7 International Resources Exodus and Goinglobal (online resources) International files International postgraduate study files Books, directories Web sites International Students file Talks and seminars (also events for Masters students) International Careers Day (January 2012) 7

8 What next? Register with us at Consider your careers strategy Understand timetables for action – for further study (references) or jobs Take opportunities to build skills, e.g. IT, extra- curricular activities, Student Consultancy Network – e.g. Use Careers Service – open late for Masters students 5-7 pm Thursdays this term 8

9 Useful web sites 9

10 Careers Events in MT 2011 Recruitment presentations: e.g. HSBC International Management Programme, law firms in Hong Kong, Google, HKUST General events: Fairs, occupational talks Skills events: CVs, interview skills, commercial awareness, US Further Study, etc Career Planning for Masters Students – 13 th October, 6 th December See for more info International Careers Day: 21st January 2012 10

11 Working in the UK During your studies - After your studies - Staying in the UK to Work Thursday 20 th October and Wednesday 30 th November, 1-2 pm, Careers Service 11

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