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Brain Tidbit I: Nourishment to the brain

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1 Brain Tidbit I: Nourishment to the brain
Meninges Ventricles Cerebro-Spinal Fluid Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Frolich, Meninges, Ventricles, CSF

2 What are meninges? (review from spinal cord)
Connective tissues around spinal cord For protection For nutrition (CSF) Three layers Pia mater Arachnoid mater Dura mater Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Frolich, Meninges, Ventricles, CSF

3 Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Frolich, Meninges, Ventricles, CSF
Meninges of the Brain 2 dural layers Endosteal Meningeal Form sinuses for blood drainage Arachnoid, pia mater same as spinal cord Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Frolich, Meninges, Ventricles, CSF

4 Structures of the dura mater in skull
Falx cerebri Falx cerebelli Tentorium cerebelli Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Frolich, Meninges, Ventricles, CSF

5 Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Frolich, Meninges, Ventricles, CSF
Blood supply to brain Carotid, vertebral aa. Drain to sinuses formed by dura mater Blood-brain barrier Capillary epithelial lining (endothelium) impermeable to water-soluble compounds Only lipid solubles pass: CO2, O2, sugars, ammonia, small alcohols, lipids like prostaglandins, steroids Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Frolich, Meninges, Ventricles, CSF

6 Ventricles (the spaces in your brain…or the USS Enterprise)
2 lateral ventricles in cerebral hemispheres Third ventricle in diencephaln Fourth ventricle in pons/cerebellum/ medulla oblongata Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Frolich, Meninges, Ventricles, CSF

7 Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid
Produced by choroid plexus of ventricles Passes to sub-arachnoid space of meninges through roof of fourth ventricle Flows down and around spinal cord Diffuses freely into nervous tissue Absorbed out of sub-arachnoid space and into blood at arachnoid villi/granulations in sagittal sinus 500 ml/day, turn-over in 8 hrs No feedback to choroid plexus—hydrocephalus is consequence of flow or absorption block Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Frolich, Meninges, Ventricles, CSF

8 Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Frolich, Meninges, Ventricles, CSF
CSF Circulation Animation Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Frolich, Meninges, Ventricles, CSF

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