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Set up today’s page for Cornell notes… Page: 69 Date: 3-6-15 Title: Homeostasis Essential Question: How can I describe homeostasis?

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Presentation on theme: "Set up today’s page for Cornell notes… Page: 69 Date: 3-6-15 Title: Homeostasis Essential Question: How can I describe homeostasis?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Set up today’s page for Cornell notes… Page: 69 Date: 3-6-15 Title: Homeostasis Essential Question: How can I describe homeostasis?

2 HOMEOSTASIS: a stable internal environment All living things maintain homeostasis Necessary for normal body functions

3 What happens when there is an imbalance in the internal environment?

4 FEEDBACK LOOP: how the body maintains homeostasis when something goes wrong NEGATIVE = the OPPOSITE thing is added to return to the original condition o Example: shivering when you’re cold, blood sugar regulation POSITIVE = the SAME thing is added to return to the original condition o Example: contractions before childbirth, blood clotting

5 Is this a positive or negative feedback loop?

6 Blood glucose regulation Temperature regulation Positive or negative?

7 For the rest of today… 1.Draw a feedback loop of your own! 2.Think about how your body responds when: you get dehydrated you get scared you cut your finger you get tired 3.Use your own example for extra credit. You MUST get approval before you begin. Requirements: 1.Your feedback loop must be titled 2.You must have at least 4 steps in your loop 3.You must write the steps and draw them (they should be colored, too!) 4.These will go up in the hallway…so make them school appropriate and neat! This is for a daily grade.

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