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New World Encounters, 16c Native Americans Threats to Native Survival Slave TradeColumbus Miscellaneous Information 100100100100100 200200200200200.

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3 New World Encounters, 16c Native Americans Threats to Native Survival Slave TradeColumbus Miscellaneous Information 100100100100100 200200200200200 300300300300300 400400400400400 500500500500500 Final Jeopardy

4 This tribe was the most dominant in Ancient America. What is the Aztec Tribe?

5 This Native American Tribe had the most English contact. What is the Algonquin Tribe?

6 This is where the Cahokia Tribe dwelled. What is the Mississippi Valley?

7 This culture, that mysteriously disappeared, had sophisticated irrigation and well built roads for transportation. This culture was found in the Chaco Canyon. What is the Anasazi Culture?

8 These were the first American inhabitants. What are Siberian Hunters?

9 Old and New World Exchange of animals, plants, and disease. What is the Columbian Exchange?

10 Because of this, Native Americans were indebted to Europeans. What is Trade?

11 Three epidemic diseases that greatly affected Native American population. What are Small Pox, Measles, and Influenza?

12 Percentage of Native Americans ill with one of the three epidemic diseases. What is 95%?

13 European trade and commerce affected this. What is Warfare?

14 This country began the Slave Trade. What is Portugal?


16 This is where the first slaves came from. What is Sub-Saharan Africa?

17 During this century, 1000 Africans were captured and made slaves each year. What is the 17 th century?

18 By 1860, this many slaves were in America. What is 11 million?

19 Before this year, more Africans came to America than Europeans. What is 1831?

20 This country financed Columbus’ trip to the New World. What is Spain?

21 This person was convinced by Columbus to finance the trip to the New World. Who is Queen Isabella?

22 This is the number of trips Columbus made to the New World. What is three?

23 This was the original goal of Columbus’ trips. What is a westward passage to China?

24 This was the original status of the Americas. What is an accidental discovery?

25 America was named after this person. Who is Amerigo Vespucci?

26 England’s extremely well trained and capable navy. What are Sea Dogs?

27 England used this country as a colonization test in preparation for American colonization. What is Ireland?

28 Gold and Silver. What is Bullion?

29 Independent adventurers commissioned by Spanish Crown to subdue new lands. Who are Conquistadors?


31 Final Jeopardy Topic Spanish / Native American Culture!

32 In the colonial caste system of Spanish America, these were Spanish-born Spaniards, or mainland Spaniards residing in the New World or in the Philippines. What are Peninsulares?

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