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AIS Starters. Starter 2/13/12 1.Name the Country that explored the Eastern part of the United States during the 16 th Century? 2.Who were the Pilgrims?

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Presentation on theme: "AIS Starters. Starter 2/13/12 1.Name the Country that explored the Eastern part of the United States during the 16 th Century? 2.Who were the Pilgrims?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIS Starters

2 Starter 2/13/12 1.Name the Country that explored the Eastern part of the United States during the 16 th Century? 2.Who were the Pilgrims? Where did they settle? 3.Do you know what Xenophobia is? And if so write the definition.

3 Starter 2/14/12 Page 48 IG to AIS 1.What are the two stages of exploration? 2.How many tribes inhabited North America before the arrival of Columbus? 3.What name was given to the Natives Columbus had encountered once arriving in the “New World?” 4.What is the most widely accepted number for the estimated Native American population before the arrival Columbus?

4 Starter 2/15/12 Page 55 IG to AIS “Ancient Tales” 1.Describe Ribaut’s encounter with the Natives in Florida. Why was this strange? 2.What legacy did the Spanish Explorers leave behind among the tribes on the Eastern coast of North America?

5 Starter 2/16/12 Native American Concept of Land A major factor in the treaty disputes was Native Americans' concept of land. Indians fought among themselves over hunting rights to the territory but the Native American idea of "right" to the land was very different from the legalistic and individual nature of European ownership. John Alexander Williams describes this in his book, West Virginia: A History for Beginners: The Indians had no concept of "private property," as applied to the land. Only among the Delawares was it customary for families, during certain times of the year, to be assigned specific hunting territories. Apparently this was an unusual practice, not found among other Indians. Certainly, the idea of an individual having exclusive use of a particular piece of land was completely strange to Native Americans. The Indians practiced communal land ownership. That is, the entire community owned the land upon which it lived....1

6 Starter 2/16/12 Excerpt “Native American Concept of Land” 1.Describe the difference between the European and Native American concept of land. 2.In what situation would the Delaware Indians use the land for personal use? 3.Define Communal.

7 Starter 2/17 They goe all naked save their privityes, yet in coole weather they weare deare skinns, with the hayre on loose: some have leather stockinges vp to their twistes, & sandalls on their feet, their hayre is black generally, which they weare long on the left side, tyed vp on a knott, about which knott the kinges and best among them have a kind of Coronett of deares hayre coloured redd, some have chaines of long linckt copper about their neckesm and some chaines of pearle, the common sort stick long fethers in this knott, I found not a grey eye among them all. their skynn is tawny not so borne, but with dying and paynting them selues, in which they - delight greatly. The wemen are like the men, onely this difference; their hayre - groweth long al over their heads save clipt - somewhat short afore, these do all the labour and the men hunt and goe at their plesure.

8 Starter 2/17/12 Describe How Natives Appeared to Europeans. Clothing Footwear Hair / hairstyle Skin Differences between men and women

9 Starter 2/20/ “Sacred Plants” 1.What are the four sacred plants? 2.What is the special purpose of tobacco? 3.What are the four traditional uses of tobacco? Explain each

10 Starter: 2/22/12 Get a copy of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Native American History and read “Trick or Treaty” on page 91-92. Answer the questions below: 1.Describe the power of a treaty. 2.How many treaties have been made between the US & tribes? 3.Define treaties. 4.Who makes treaties? 5.Describe treaties made before the War of 1812. After the War of 1812. 6.Why were treaties abolished in 1871?

11 Starter: 2/23/12 REVIEW- Answer these questions in your notebook (Do not write the questions!): Which executive department was originally in charge of Indian affairs? What level of gov’t is in charge of Indian affairs? Why did Native Americans think Christians were hypocrites? Why did east coast Natives accept “civilization”? Why is Sacagawea important to history?

12 Starter: February 27 Compare the two policies POLICYDATESPURPOSEEXS. of HOW IMPLEMENTED Civilization Removal

13 Starter: 2/29 Read “The White Man’s Civil War in Indian Territory” & “Grant’s Indian” in your book on pages 138-140 and answer these questions: 1.Who did most tribes side with in the Civil War? WHY? 2.What was John Ross’ stance in the Civil War? 3.Who was Ely Parker?

14 Starter: 3/1/12 Read IGNAH “Killing the Indian to Save the Man” on pages 194-95 and answer these questions: 1.Why did the government begin boarding schools (2 reasons)? 2.What was the first boarding school? When was it opened? 3.Describe boarding schools. (5 things) 4.What was the “outing system”?

15 Starter: Friday, 3/2/12 Read “On Leaving for Carlisle Indian School” by Luther Standing Bear & answer the following: 1.Even though Luther did not buy the “sweet talk” of the interpreter, why did he decide to go to Carlisle? 2.What does Luther believe his father is worried about? 3.Before Luther left for school, his father gave away many of his family’s possessions. What is your impression of this action?

16 Starter: 3/5 “The Cutting of My Long Hair” by Zitkala-Sa (Gertrude Bonnin) 1.Why was mealtime confusing for Zitkala- Sa? 2.Why did Zitkala-Sa not want her hair cut? 3.How did Zitkala-Sa react to having her hair cut?

17 Starter: Wednesday, April 1 Read “There’s Gold in Those Hills”, “Treaty? What Treaty?” & “The Sting of Rejection” in your book on pages 163- 165 and answer these questions: 1.Why are the Black Hills (Paha Sapa) sacred to the Lakota & Cheyenne? 2.What were Col. Custer’s goals in exploring the Black Hills? 3.How did the Sioux react to the government’s offer to buy the Black Hills? 4.How did the government react when they were unsuccessful in acquiring the Black Hills?

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