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Quick Grammar Review nouns and verbs. What is a noun?

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Grammar Review nouns and verbs. What is a noun?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Grammar Review nouns and verbs

2 What is a noun?

3 A noun is: A person, place, thing, or idea

4 Examples of nouns: teacher Chicago Desk love,

5 What is the difference between a common noun and a proper noun? A common noun is NOT specific and it begins with a lower case letter –Example: teacher A proper noun is specific and capitalized: Example: Ms. Belknap

6 What is the subject of a sentence?

7 What is a Verb?

8 A verb shows action Examples: –Swim –Walk

9 What is the subject of a sentence?

10 The subject of a sentence is the noun doing the action or being described.

11 Example: –Ms. Danihel walks down the hall. –Ms. Danihel is a caring teacher.

12 What is the predicate of a sentence?

13 The predicate is the verb or verb phrase of the sentence. Examples: Ms. Danihel walks down the hall. Ms. Danihel is a caring teacher.

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