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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Cold War 1960sVietnamCivil RightsPotpourri.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Cold War 1960sVietnamCivil RightsPotpourri

2 The movies “The Wild One” and “Rebel Without a Cause” played to this concern in 1950s America?

3 Juvenile Delinquency

4 This president warned America to be on guard against the Military Industrial Complex?

5 Eisenhower

6 The name of the general who led the UN police action against North Korea was?

7 Douglass Macarthur

8 What was largely responsible for the Soviet Union getting the technology to explode a nuclear weapon in 1949?

9 Espionage in the U.S.

10 This is the name for the Cold War policy used by Eisenhower where we would threaten to go to the edge of nuclear war.

11 Brinksmanship

12 What was the “problem with no name?”

13 The discontentment felt by American housewives

14 What was the deal to end the Cuban Missile Crisis

15 US would remove missiles from Turkey and would pledge not to ever attack Cuba again

16 JFK was assassinated in this city

17 Dallas, Texas

18 What did Khrushchev do to stop East Berliners from defecting to free West Berlin

19 Built the Berlin Wall

20 This organization is suspected in the JFK assassination due to Kennedy’s threat to disband them.

21 CIA

22 Who did not run for president again in 1968 because the Vietnam War had destroyed his popularity?

23 LBJ

24 This democratic presidential candidate and peace advocate was assassinated in 1968 in LA

25 RFK

26 US bombing campaigns were largely ineffective at destroying this supply route in Vietnam

27 Ho Chi Minh Trail

28 This event, where American soldiers massacred Vietnamese villagers, furthered weakened US morale

29 My Lai Massacre

30 US involvement in Vietnam officially ended when we evacuated this city?

31 Saigon

32 Brown v. Board of Education overturned this previous Supreme Court ruling?

33 Plessy v. Ferguson

34 Martin Luther King employed the same methods of protest practiced by this leader

35 Mohandas Gandhi

36 Photos of German shepherds and fire hoses shocked America during this civil rights event

37 Birmingham Campaign

38 This form of protest was used to integrate lunch counters in department stores

39 Sit Ins

40 The assassination of this civil rights leader led to riots in over 300 American cities

41 MLK Jr.

42 What was Reaganomics?

43 Tax breaks, cuts in spending, increase in defense spending

44 Price controls on gasoline in the 1970s led to...

45 Long lines at the pumps, gas rationing, running out of gas

46 The Iranian people stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran because...

47 The US granted asylum to the Shah of Iran

48 The drug that decimated inner-city America in the 1980 was...

49 Crack

50 This, a term for when the value of the dollar decreases, hit double- digits in the 1970s.

51 Inflation

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