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Our 50 States: [Name of Your State] Your Name Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Our 50 States: [Name of Your State] Your Name Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our 50 States: [Name of Your State] Your Name Date

2 Facts of (name of your state) State Nickname State Abbreviation Origin of Name Date it Became a State State Motto Picture of State Flag

3 Symbols of (name of your state) State Flower State Bird State Tree State Dog State Song Choose one of the symbols

4 Population and Area of (name of state) Land size in Square miles Land size rank among U.S. Population size Population rank among U.S. Distribution % of urban/rural % of different ethnic Groups Map of your State

5 Major Cities of (name of state) Identify the capital of your state. Number of counties and largest by population. Identify the 5 most populated cities and list the total population for each one Display a picture of a city

6 Physical Features of (name of your state) Identify what region your state is located in the U.S. and the states that surround it. Identify major rivers, lakes, mountains, and other physical features Display a physical feature

7 [Your State] in the Civil War Indicate what side your state was on in the Civil war What Civil War battles (if any) occurred in your state Famous generals from your state Number of troops from your state that fought in the war, and the number that died or were injured

8 History of (your state) Name of Event 1Name of Event 2Name of Event 3Name of Event 4Name of Event 5 1st Date2nd Date3rd Date4th Date5th Date Description of Event Make a timeline of the important historical events of your state

9 Government of (name of your state) Identify the Governor Identify the 2 U.S. senate members Identify how many U.S. house representatives there are Identify how many electoral votes it has Picture of the Governor

10 Places to Visit Choose two places in your state that would be interesting to visit. Tell where it is located in the state and why it would be interesting to visit. Picture of the Place

11 Famous People Choose two well known residents of your state. Tell what they did to become famous. Picture of the resident

12 Works Cited List the resources you used for your research.

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