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Civil War Primary Source Assignment Jackie Dubois December 23, 2010 Period 3 Mr. Hartley.

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1 Civil War Primary Source Assignment Jackie Dubois December 23, 2010 Period 3 Mr. Hartley

2 Diary Entry Author: Cornelia Hancock Date: July 8, 1863 Place of Origin: 2 nd Army Corps-3 rd Division Hospital Explanation: This diary entry was written from a nurse’s point of view. At the time she was working at a “hospital” where the wounded soldiers would go to for medical help. She was writing to her sister, asking her to donate items that were needed. She was also telling her sister the horrific moments that she is living in. Citation: Hancock, Cornelia, and Henrietta Stratton Jaquette. South after Gettysburg; Letters of Cornelia Hancock, 1863-1868;. New York: T.Y. Crowell, 1956. Print.

3 Diary Entry Analysis: I was surprised when I read that they were in need of so many items. You would think that a hospital would be one of the first places your money would go to support but apparently it wasn’t like that during the Civil War. This letter seems pretty dead on with the facts I previously knew about the war. I knew it was very graphic and deadly, many were wounded and brought to hospitals for help. Cornelia writes, “It took nearly five days for some three hundred surgeons to perform the amputations that occurred here, during which time the rebels lay in a dying condition without their wounds being dressed or scarcely any food.” This gives us a vivid image of what it would be like if we were in her shoes. I would like to know how Cornelia handled all of the stress she went through. Did all these deaths eventually effect her? Overall this diary entry gave me a great insight of what it was like for people to be living throughout the Civil War.

4 Song Lyric Author: James Gowdy Clark Date: 1864 Title: “The Children of the Battlefield” Place of Origin: Philadelphia, PA Citation: Tubb, Benjamin R. "The Children of the Battlefield." Public Domain Music. Web. 22 Dec. 2010..

5 Song Lyric Analysis: The overall message of the song was how each soldier that dies was an actual person, they had a real life, and family that cared for him. There is very strong feelings in this song. When I read the background information I started getting teary eyed. There was a dead man lying in the middle of a battlefield that a photographer found. When he looked closer, he was holding a picture of his wife and kids. The emotions in this song bring out the emotions of how much that man loved and cherished his family. I was surprised how good the song actually was. I thought it was going to be a boring song that didn’t make sense but it made a lot of sense and I can easily relate to it. I knew many people died in the civil war, but I never gave it a thought that each of those soldiers gave up their entire life, family and everything for our country. I can now understand what they went through better than I did before. I would like to know what the photographer thought when he first saw the man holding the photograph, and how he handled it. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised how the lyrics were so touching and meaningful.

6 Newspaper Article Author: Jackson Date: June 30, 1863 Title: “Adventures Of A Young Lady In The Army” Place of Origin: Mississippi Summary: This is an article discussing the stories Mrs. Laura J. Williams of Arkansas lived through. She disguised herself as a man in order to take part in military action. Citation: Jackson. "Adventures Of A Young Lady In The Army." Staunton Spectator 30 June 1863: 1. Valley of the Shadow. Web. 17 Dec. 2010..

7 Newspaper Article Analysis: After reading this article, I was shocked that a woman would actually want to fight in the civil war. I can understand her choices if she were a strong confederate follower, or was in deep ties with politics. Also, the Civil War at the time needed everyone they could get, she probably felt that she could make more of an impact if she joined the war as a man instead of a woman (nurse). I would like to know, what kind of disguise did she have that made everyone believe that she was a man? It must have been pretty good!

8 Image Photographer: Alex Gardner Date: July, 1863 Title: A Sharpshooter’s Last Sleep Description: The man in the photo just got struck by a bullet. His hat, blanket, and gun were thrown behind him in result of the forceful bullet that shot through his body. Citation: Gardner, Alexander. Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Bok of the Civil War. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 1959. 8. Print.

9 Image Analysis: I thought that it was very surprising how much waste was on the battlefield ground. The dead man is defiantly the most dominant feature in this photograph. As soon as you look at the picture your eyes draw to him. The battle of Gettysburg was truly depicted in this image. I don’t think there could be a better image displaying the horrific scenes of the war. I knew that the Civil War had many tragic deaths, but this photograph gives me a real life look at what it was like to see. I would like to know what this man felt as he was going down in honor after being shot. Was he proud of himself? Or just plain depressed? This is a great picture that captures the true meaning of the Civil War.

10 Background Citation 8ISWDaa_80i8jVMoyzcRj18=&h=670&w=681&sz=111&hl=en&start=32&zoom=1& tbnid=uPDP4mVOShdZSM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=109&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcivil%2 Bwar%2Bphotos%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1138%26bih%3D525%26gbv%3D2%26tb s%3Disch:10,956&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=875&vpy=204&dur=716&hovh=223&hovw =226&tx=190&ty=139&ei=SDQRTYXwIoWglAeW4JyLDA&oei=OTQRTYjMFsSBlAevz 4zMCw&esq=3&page=3&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:32&biw=1138&bih=525

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