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Gender Differences among Hunter- Gatherers Sexual division of labor, but complementary roles Mother-goddess figures.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Differences among Hunter- Gatherers Sexual division of labor, but complementary roles Mother-goddess figures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Differences among Hunter- Gatherers Sexual division of labor, but complementary roles Mother-goddess figures

2 Analyzing Secondary Sources Argument (main idea) Interpretation (what the historian says the evidence means) Evidence – Specific – “Factual”, something that can be verified – Supports interpretation – Source is identified (cited)

3 Neolithic Revolution I.Causes & Effects of Neolithic Revolution II.Locations & Spread III.Consequences of Agriculture IDs: Göbekli Tepe, pastoralism, Catal Huyuk, Fertile Crescent

4 Lecture Argument The most important effects of the Neolithic Revolution were greater surpluses of food, population growth, settlement in villages, and more patriarchy.

5 I. Causes & Effects of Neolithic Revolution (circa 7000 BCE)

6 A. Definition of Neolithic Revolution or Agricultural Rev. (first of many) 1. invention of agriculture 2. domestication of animals

7 B. Causes 1.Food shortage for hunter-gatherers 2. Climate change with end of Ice Age (c. 8000 BCE) 3. Observation & experimentation Plants – women Animals – men

8 4. Religion? Göbekli Tepe (Turkey): 10,000 BCE

9 Göbekli Tepe (red)


11 C. Effects 1.Population Increase 2.Settlement in villages

12 3. Other inventions Houses bread beer ovens pottery textiles??? wheel plow

13 4. Two new lifestyles (economic forms) Agricultural (farming, villages) Pastoral

14 Pastoralism – Steppe Herding Horses Nomadic

15 II. Locations & Spread A. Neolithic Rev. happened at different times in different places

16 Strong Maybes South America 6000 BCE Africa (Sahel) 2000 BCE

17 B. Neolithic Rev. spread outward from initial location Southwest Asia Fertile Crescent (green) Zagros Mountains (red)


19 III. Consequences of Agriculture A. surplus of food  population growth & part- time specialization 2. More work

20 3. Villages Göbekli Tepe (red) Catal Huyuk (purple) Anatolia (Asia Minor)

21 4. Land Ownership Catal Huyuk

22 5. Growth of Patriarchy Plowing Men control animals, food surplus, and land Women’s work undervalued

23 6. New stage in Human Development Hunter-gatherer Agriculture / Pastoralism Next: Cities (civilization)

24 Lecture Argument The most important effects of the Neolithic Revolution were greater surpluses of food, population growth, settlement in villages and more patriarchy.

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