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 Answer the 3 questions on page 382. You do not have to write the questions.

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Presentation on theme: " Answer the 3 questions on page 382. You do not have to write the questions."— Presentation transcript:

1  Answer the 3 questions on page 382. You do not have to write the questions.


3  One in which a central authority (government) decides what goods will be produced and how much.

4  Dissatisfaction with czarist governments  Food shortages during World War I  Many Russians believed that communism would improve there lives.

5  The standard of living remained poor  People found that Communist had become there new masters.

6  Russian has moved toward a market economy where consumers choose what is produced by supply and demand

7  Has allowed people and goods to the Siberian region, making it more populated and more developed  It has allowed people to the remote region and to exploit the natural resources.

8  Small subsistence farming mainly on the Northern European Plains.

9  Consumers are able to shop and compare pricing online before making purchases at the store

10  Global warming will create an ice-free Arctic Ocean allowing access to any deep sea resources. This has been both positive and negative?


12  Pipelines have allowed for the movement of natural resources of oil and gas

13  Russia and the Ukraine

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