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World Best e-Gov.-Korea Abstract

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1 World Best e-Gov.-Korea Abstract
Dr. Taedong Oh

2 World-Class IT Infrastructure
Mobile high-speed Internet penetration rate : 1st in the world (‘12, OECD) Increased international recognition and awareness ICT Development Index (‘12, ITU) : 1st e-Government Readiness Index (’12, UN) : 1st 4

3 Korea e-Government 2012.wmv
Korea: The World's Best Partner for Digital Prosperity Ministry of Public Administration and Security from GeGF 2012, Oct 18-19, 2012

4 Government EA- Korea World's Best Korean e-Government! Behind its reputation, there is Enterprise Architecture. Through systematic information management, Enterprise Architecture...

5 On-Nara BPS(Business Processing System)
Integrated online management of public processes - 55 central government agencies and local governments are currently using On-Nara BPS On-nara BPS Policy accountability improved All decisions & opinions recorded in e-Document cards History management of all the edited documents Government efficiency enhanced ‘On-Nara BPS’ is the new work management system for the Korean government. The Korean government can now administrate the entire policy making procedures such as documentation, reporting, reviewing, and approval online by using this system. All public officials in the central government can process most of their works on this system without accessing other systems. Since all the policy-related information and performance evaluation are kept and shared through this system, Organizations are able to manage their businesses in a more planned and systematic way. Ultimately, this system helps the government improve accountability and transparency of policy making processes and manage and evaluate each of public officials in a more systematic way leading the government to improve efficiency. Online administration of all policy making process 96.6% of officers are now using On-Nara BPS (2007) 42

6 Korea’s National Portal Korea’s national portal for citizen connection
Connection of integrated portal services in user perspective Single gateway to e-Gov service Categorize by service sectors * Health, Education, Welfare, etc. The presence of a powerful searching service portal User 1 3 2 Integrated e-Gov’t Services Hub 1 2 3 Portal Portal Portal

7 Administrative Information
Sharing Service Online sharing of information by administrative/public/financial institutes Document reduction and the minimization of the necessity of institute visit Sharing of 92 kinds of administrative information owned by public institutes Co-usage from public and financial institutes * Currently adopted in all administrative institutes, 48 public institutes, and private banks 3. 45 million document information co-used in a yearly basis(2009)) AISS Dept. Information sharing DB Dept. Dept. Connective provision of Information Bank Dept. DB directory management Public Agency

8 Integration of Information Resource
Consolidation of information resources of 48 government agencies leading to more efficient management servers, 1069 security instruments, 2097 network equipment NCIA A Dept. B Dept. C Dept. 00 Dept. No. of Server management per person : 1.8 → 13 Recovery time : 65min → 1.2min * NCIA : National Computing Information Agency 8

9 < Development model change with common component>
E- Gov Framework < Development model change with common component> Past eGovernment Programs eGovframe Current eGovernment Programs Define Common Components A’ System B’ System C’ System A System B System C System Reuse Common Components Application S/W Application S/W Application S/W Application S/W Application S/W Application S/W Common functions Common functions B B Common functions B B B B B C C C C C F/W F/W F/W F/W F/W H/W H/W H/W eGovframe Apply Standard Framework H/W H/W H/W Define Standard Framework Duplicate development of the same feature in each project Business dependency in subsequent projects Limited opportunities for SMEs Management Development based on the standard framework Productivity and quality improvement by reusing common components eGovFrame Center Management System for eGovFrame

10 Smart Government in 2015 Towards Smart Government Ⅲ. Realize a world-best e-Government that works for the people Indivi- duals Uses the desired customized service at any time and place Enter- prises Improves enterprise competitiveness using customized services Society Lives a safe and protected life Public servant Smart-work whereby work is harmonized with life User-oriented multiple channel integration service Information disclosure/Public participation Smart-work business environment Link with the related agencies Collaboration Administrative agencies Business space Group remote conference (major hubs) Nurturing service Joint utilization 공통서비스 Advanced administration Collaboration/ Information sharing Public agencies Personal remote conference Offline meeting (major traffic point) Remote training Medical care, welfare, education, employment agency e-Government infrastructure Integrated security system Integrated authentication system Sharing service Integrated DB National Computing & Information Agency Integrated computing center of autonomous bodies Enterprises DB DB Pan-governmental architecture (EA) Cloud computing basis - 10 -

11 Recommendations Recommendation for Belarus E-Gov’t is Strategic Tool for Government Innovation Be keen and smart on socio-technical public sector reform and service innovation Integrate ICT and e-Gov’t into the centerfold of PA innovation & reform Invest capable resources enough under Strategic National Plan in a whole view Solve e-Gov’t risks(Tech/Law & policy/Org. Culture/Funding/BPR/M&M/Human…) Roll out Citizen Centric e-Government & Collaboration Model with private sector Overcome barrier context w/ stronger leadership in one body of State partnership Localize Global Standards & Best Practices on structured develop methodology Adopt Best Of Breed future trend technology into designing of e-Gov’t (Pan Gov. ITA/EA, Cloud computing, Web 3.0, Big data, Mobile centric, Context...) Utilize ICT sector as Powerhouse for Economic Growth Believe Digital modernization of PA will expedite Economic Development Aggressively pursue transformation into future Knowledge Economy Powerhouse Focus on the technology product R & D led by development of HR & ICT industry Make ICT industry as one of strong drivers for future Economic Growth - 11 -

12 Change Acceleration Process: A Model For Change
Leading Change Creating A Shared Need Shaping A Vision Mobilizing Commitment Current State Transition State Improved State Making Change Last The CAP model was developed by investigating all the literature on change, examining cases of successful change, and by the experiences of our leaders of change. Here you see the elements that we found as common to all successful change initiatives as you move from the current state through the transition to the improved state. Leading Change and Changing Systems and Structures need attention throughout the entire change process, the other pieces are listed in the order that they tend to occur. Monitoring Progress Changing Systems & Structures

13 Overall Reform Process
Denial/Resistance  Need to share a sense of CRISIS


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