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Improving access to eye care education and service provision in the Asia-Pacific region Gerhard Schlenther, Dr Neil Murray, Dr Garry Brian, Dr Laurence.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving access to eye care education and service provision in the Asia-Pacific region Gerhard Schlenther, Dr Neil Murray, Dr Garry Brian, Dr Laurence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving access to eye care education and service provision in the Asia-Pacific region Gerhard Schlenther, Dr Neil Murray, Dr Garry Brian, Dr Laurence Sullivan, Dr Mark F Ellis & Lauren Hodgson

2 2 WHO Prevalence Data Worldwide: Asia Pacific:  284 million visually impaired  39 million blind  245 million low vision  73% of moderate to severe visual impairment  58% of blindness

3 3 Contribute to the reduction in avoidable blindness and vision impairment by taking a role in ensuring high quality ophthalmic education and professional standards for eye care in the Asia- Pacific region RANZCO’s Goal

4 4 An online coordinating platform Harmonise activities and avoid duplication Funded through a grant from The Fred Hollows Foundation International Ophthalmology Development Register (IODR)

5 5 Promote good practice guidelines for development projects in the Asia-Pacific region Promote Australasian teaching hospitals and institutions offering Fellowships / Observerships Provide access to RANZCO’s human resources Facilitate RANZCO ophthalmologists involvement IODR Benefits

6 6 Methods Good practice guidelines  systematic developmental approach Interactive database of development activities Inclusion criteria for, and oversight of databases:  Fellows’ available skills and time  INGO’s and training institutions seeking access to RANZCO’s resources Filtering criteria that will only allow genuine enquiries

7 7 Website Testing Internal users:  RANZCO Project Management Committee (PMC)  RANZCO staff  Chairs of the International Ophthalmology Steering Committee (IOSC) and its sub-committees External users:  31 individuals from various user groups (Fellows, INGOs, Training Institutions, Hospitals, IMGs) IODR went live on Friday 22 June 2012

8 8 Results  User friendly, web-based database  Up-to-date good practice development guidelines  Capacity for enhanced participation of RANZCO Fellows in sustainable development projects  Informed planning and coordination  Capacity for enhanced eye care education and improved professional standards in the Asia Pacific region

9 9 Activity to date…. IODR:  29 expressions of interest from Fellows  11 NGO users  1 NGO project  26 institutions  22 International Medical Graduate (IMG) users RANZCO website visibility:  >27,000 unique visitors so far this year  >306,000 page views

10 10

11 11 IODR Coordinator: Lauren Hodgson Contact details

12 12 Conclusion Early days ….. Collaborative contribution between RANZCO and The Fred Hollows Foundation will help achieve goals of Vision2020 and beyond

13 Thank You

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