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Aeschylus’ Libation Bearers The Downward Spiral. Eumenides: Writing Assign. Trial Scene… Closure? Unsatisfying expedient? Submit via Blackboard “Assignments”

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Presentation on theme: "Aeschylus’ Libation Bearers The Downward Spiral. Eumenides: Writing Assign. Trial Scene… Closure? Unsatisfying expedient? Submit via Blackboard “Assignments”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aeschylus’ Libation Bearers The Downward Spiral

2 Eumenides: Writing Assign. Trial Scene… Closure? Unsatisfying expedient? Submit via Blackboard “Assignments”

3 3 Agenda Recap & Update –From Agamemnon to Libation Bearers Character and Chemistry (pp. 216 ff.) –Is Clytemnestra Human? –Is Orestes a Pawn? Blood for Blood –Tragic Dilemma in Libation Bearers

4 Recap & Update From Agamemnon to Libation Bearers

5 5 Agamemnon Cassandra Scene: Analysis amoibaion (lyric dialogue) 144 ff. –impassioned cries –self-lament –feast of Thyestes –Paris’ crime –riddling visions spoken dialogue (“no more riddles”) 149 ff. –vision of Furies (Erinues) –Thyestes adultery –Cassandra’s gift/credibility –concrete prediction –overlaid visions (pp. 151-152)

6 6 Libation Bearers: Characters Orestes Pylades Electra Cilissa (nurse) Doorman (“Porter”) Slave Clytemnestra Aegisthus Chorus of Slave Women –Trojan captives

7 7 Crime Blotter… Old Crimes Ag’s death feast of Thyestes sacr. of Iphigenia war-crimes, war- losses… –related: red carpet symbolically connecting Trojan destruction with Argos »with impiety-hubris – Greeks disrespecting Trojan shrines New Crimes adultery –cl & aegisth matricide and killing of aegisth

8 Libation Bearers: Analysis (numbers = Penguin pages) prologue 177 f. Orestes –offering of hair parodos 178 ff. –mourning, libations, Clytemnestra’s dream, general foreboding 1st episode (begin) 180 ff. Electra, Leader, Orestes, whole Chorus –recognition, reunion kommos (lyric interlude) 192 ff. Electra, Orestes, Chorus –mourning, invocation 1st episode (end) 198 ff. Electra, Leader, Orestes –more invocation, Clytemnestra’s dream, plan 1st stasimon 204 f. –Clyt’s crime, natura/myth parallels 2nd episode 206 ff. Orestes, Porter (doorman), Clyt, Leader, nurse –deception 2nd stasimon 212 f. –prayers for justice 3rd episode 213 ff. Aegisthus, Leader, Chorus, Servant, Clytemnestra, Orestes, Pylades –killing, agōn, killing 3rd stasimon 219 f. –victory song exodos 221 ff. Orestes, Chorus, Leader –victory, madness, Furies

9 Character and Chemistry (pp. 216 ff.) Is Clytemnestra Human? Is Orestes a Pawn?

10 Blood for Blood Tragic Dilemma in Libation Bearers

11 11 Tragic Themes, Patterns Aristotle “tragic formula” epiphany clyt And the ancient pride no war, no storm, no force could tame, ringing in all men’s ears, in all men’s hearts is gone. They are afraid. Success, they bow to success, more god than god himself. But Justice (Dike) waits and turns the scales…. and frenzy goes through the guilty seething like infection, swarming through the brain. (Chorus, p. 179 – parodos)

12 12 Intertwined Imagery Libations Nets Snakes

13 13 Blood-Guilt: similia similibus pollution purification- retribution pollution? Sacrifice of piglet “Wash old works of blood | in the fresh-drawn blood of justice” (Chorus, 795-6)

14 Is dikē hubris? ELECTRA: … teach me what to say CHORUS LEADER: Let some god or man come down upon them. ELECTRA: Judge or avenger, which? LEADER: Just say ‘the one who murders in return.’ ELECTRA: How can I ask the gods for that and keep my conscience clear? LEADER: How not, and pay the enemy back in kind?

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