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Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…. The Odyssey The Hero’s Journey Greek Characters The Odyssey Part 1 The Odyssey Part 2 The Odyssey Part 3 200 400 600.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…. The Odyssey The Hero’s Journey Greek Characters The Odyssey Part 1 The Odyssey Part 2 The Odyssey Part 3 200 400 600."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…

2 The Odyssey The Hero’s Journey Greek Characters The Odyssey Part 1 The Odyssey Part 2 The Odyssey Part 3 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts

3 Hero’s Journey: 200 Question: This step of the Hero’s Journey is where the hero becomes a new person through a significant experience. Answer Unusual Birth

4 Hero’s Journey: 400 Question: The Hero is presented with a problem, challenge, or adventure to undertake which forces him to leave his Ordinary World behind Answer Call to Adventure

5 Hero’s Journey: 600 Question: The hero has decided to act and will now be implementing that action. This is the point of no return. Answer Crossing of the Threshold

6 Hero’s Journey: 800 Question: The hero is tested. The hero learns the special rules of the new world. The hero meets allies and enemies. Answer Road of Trials

7 Hero’s Journey: 1000 Question: The Hero has hit rock bottom in direct confrontation with his greatest fear. Faces the possibility of death. The climactic moment of the story. Answer Supreme Ordeal

8 Greek Characters: 200 Question: This messenger God has winged sandals to help him accomplish his duties. Answer Hermes

9 Greek Characters: 400 Question: This hero flew into a fit of rage, killed his wife and children, and had to complete 12 great labors/tasks in order to seek forgiveness. Answer Hercules/Heracles

10 Greek Characters: 600 Question: This great king started the Trojan War only to be killed by his wife upon his return home. Answer Agamemnon

11 Greek Characters: 800 Question: This woman was cursed and was given a head of snakes. Answer Medusa

12 Greek Characters: 1000 Question: This Goddess claims the peacock as her symbol because it has thousands of eyes so she can keep watch on her chronically cheating husband. Answer Hera

13 Ody Part 1: 200 Question: Who is the only Greek hero who hasn’t returned home from the Trojan War? Answer Odysseus

14 Ody Part 1: 400 Question: What is the name of Odysseus’s wife? Answer Penelope

15 Ody Part 1: 600 Question: Which god is not present at the meeting of the gods because he is on “vacation” in Ethiopia? Answer Poseidon

16 Ody Part 1: 800 Question: What does Ino Leucothea give Odysseus to keep him safe from Poseidon? Answer An enchanted veil

17 Ody Part 1: 1000 Question: Why does Nausicaa bring Odysseus into the town secretly? Answer She doesn’t want anyone to think he is her lover. To avoid the appearance of inappropriate cavorting in the woods.

18 Ody Part 2: 200 Question: How does Odysseus blind the Cyclops? Answer Stabs him in the eye with a spear.

19 Ody Part 2: 400 Question: How do Odysseus and his men escape Polyphemus? Answer Cling to the bellies of sheep.

20 Ody Part 2: 600 Question: What does the god Aeolus give Odysseus to help him on his journey? Answer A bag of winds

21 Ody Part 2: 800 Question: Who is Odysseus looking for when he enters the underworld? Answer The prophet Tiresias

22 Ody Part 2: 1000 Question: What does Odysseus’s crew fill their ears with to prevent hearing the Sirens? Answer They fill their ears with wax.

23 Ody Part 3: 200 Question: What does Poseidon turn the Phaeacian ship into before it arrives in Ithaca? Answer He turns the ship into a rock/stone.

24 Ody Part 3: 400 Question: How does Eumaeus feel about Odysseus? Answer He respects, admires, and misses him.

25 Ody Part 3: 600 Question: As part of the plan what does Telemachus instruct Eurycleia to do? Answer Gather all the maids/women together and lock them up.

26 Ody Part 3: 800 Question: What do Telemachus and Odysseus do to the disloyal servants? Answer Hang them and/or behead them.

27 Ody Part 3: 1000 Question: What must Odysseus do in the morning after spending one night home with Penelope? *This is after he visits his father. Answer Travel to a land without salt to beg forgiveness of Poseidon.

28 Bonus Question: 5000 pts. Question: Name as many Unknown Worlds as you can for Odysseus in The Odyssey. Winner will be the individual with the most correct responses. Answer – Trojan War, Ogygia (Calypso’s Island), Circe’s Island, Underworld, Phaeacian Kingdom, Cyclopes’ Island, Land of the Laestrygonians, Island of the Sirens, Helios’ Island, …

29 The Winner Of The Last Round ONLY How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Lose the money! Question: What does Ino Leucothea give Odysseus to keep him safe from Poseidon? Answer An enchanted veil

30 The Winner Of The Last Round ONLY How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Lose the money! Question: Which animals appear in Penelope’s dream? What does the dream represent? Answer An eagle and geese. Odysseus killing the suitors.

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