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 Write a summary of your literature circle text(s).  5-7 sentences  Time: 5 minutes.

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Presentation on theme: " Write a summary of your literature circle text(s).  5-7 sentences  Time: 5 minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1  Write a summary of your literature circle text(s).  5-7 sentences  Time: 5 minutes.

2  Work on Word Bank DUE 11/1/2012  Read p xiii-xiv, xxiv-xxvii in Trojan Women Take Active Notes 3 DN's

3 Period 7: Love!

4  Didja find a juicy word? What is it? Where’d ya find it/hear it? What’s it mean? What part of speech is it?  Extra credit STAMP!  Maximum of 3 volunteers 4

5  How will I be graded? Active Notes (Reading: 20 points) Role Completion (Thinking: 40 points) Lit Circle Participation (C/S: 10 points) Self-Evaluation & Teacher Evaluation

6  Actively Listen  Take Notes  Stay on topic  Provide Evidence  Equal Participation  Be Respectful

7  Tasks Share/Discuss your discussion questions Analyze excerpts from the text(s) Make connections Discuss the theme/purpose of the text(s)  Roles Discussion Director Literary Luminary Connector Theme Theorizer

8  Clean up your area!!  Turn in: Your text with your active notes on it Your role sheet with the notes you took today during your discussion  Share with the rest of the class A summary of your piece The “gist” of your discussion today/how it relates to the Trojan War and/or Imperialism

9  Quick-Write What is a sentence? What are the components of a sentence? What makes a sentence “good”?  Time: 2 minutes

10 “For through Pallas’ scheme, Epeius, a Phoecian from Parnassus, fashioned a horse pregnant with arms and sent its deadly weight inside the towers.” Is this a “good” sentence? Why?

11 “Just as the mother-bird raises the cry for its nestlings, so shall I begin the chant, a very different measure from that which once I led to honour the Phrygians’ gods as I led the dance with the loud-ringing stamp of my foot while Priam leant on his scepter.” Is this a “good” sentence? Why?

12  Run-On: A sentence with two or more clauses that doesn’t have any punctuation  Sentence Fragment: An incomplete sentence; usually a dependent clause

13  2 reactions  1  +

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