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WORDNET. THE WORDNET SYSTEM  Lexicographer files  Code: Lexico files  database  Search Routines and Interfaces.

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Presentation on theme: "WORDNET. THE WORDNET SYSTEM  Lexicographer files  Code: Lexico files  database  Search Routines and Interfaces."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE WORDNET SYSTEM  Lexicographer files  Code: Lexico files  database  Search Routines and Interfaces

3 SYNSETS  A list of synonymous words or collocations that are interchangable in some context  Pointers that describe the relations between different synsets  Lexical and Semantic relations recognized

4 SYNSETS contd……..  NOUNS  VERBS  ADJECTIVES Clusters of head synsets and satellite synsets Clusters are antonymous pairs/triplets Pertainyms  ADVERBS derived from adjectives lexical pointer to root adjective Lexical Relations

5 LEXICAL RELATIONS  Synonymy  Polysemy  Hyponymy/Hypernomy  Meronymy/Holonomy  Antonymy  Troponomy

6 Definitions…  Synonymy: Different words - related senses of meanings  Polysemy: Same word - different senses of meanings  Troponomy: Verbs that denote manner elaboration of another verb

7 …more Definitions  Hyponymy/Hyperonymy: Generic or Universal – Specific or Particular (IS-A)  Meronymy/Holonomy: Part of (HAS-A)  Antonymy: Opposite sense

8 FILES  Database INDEX files (Unix) index.pos (Unix) pos.idx (Windows)  Database DATA files (Unix) data.pos (Unix) pos.dat (Windows)  Files of sentences illustrating the use of VERB *.vrb  Morphology Exception lists pos.exc

9 FILE FORMATS  INDEX FILE FORMAT lemma pos synset_cnt p_cnt [ptr_symbol...] sense_cnt tagsense_cnt synset_offset [synset_offset...]  DATA FILE FORMAT synset_offset lex_filenum ss_type w_cnt word lex_id [word lex_id...] p_cnt [ptr...] [frames...] | gloss ptr: Pointer_symbol synset_offset pos source/target Frames: f_cnt + f_num w_num [ + f_num w_num +..]

10 Formats…  SENSE INDEX FORMAT sense_key synset_offset sense_number tag_cnt Sense-key: lemma%lex_sense Lex_sense : ss_type:lex_filenum:lex_id:head_word:head_id

11 MORPHY  Query Base form  Query is single word or collocation  Single word: Separating inflections from query strings - plural of nouns - forms of verbs - degree of adjectives  Collocation: - individual base forms - hyphens, spaces, period as delimiters

12 MORPHY AT WORK….  NOUN grapes  grape  VERB eating  eat  ADJ faster  fast  ADV greenish  green Returns a base form OR NULL on every call eg: axes - 2 base forms (axe and axis)

13 INPUT SEARCHES -Synonyms - Ordered by estimated frequency - Coordinate terms - Hypernyms - Derivationally related forms - Sentence frames - Synonyms grouped by similarity

14 VARIOUS SEARCHES….  Derivationally Related Forms: word forms that are morphologically related to searchstr  Co-ordinate Terms: words having the same hypernyms  Sentence Frames: illustrative sentences

15 DISPLAY OF SENSES  Sense n [{synset_offset}] [ ] word1[#sense_number][, word2...]  Each synset is printed on one line  Each line of output is preceded by a marker (usually => ) then a synset  synset glosses in parentheses at the end of each synset

16 Contd…….  Indentation by spaces for different levels in hierarchy  Semantic tagging using Brown Corpus  Senses are ordered by decreasing frequency of use  Verb senses grouped by similarity of meaning

17 Overview for "swimming"  The noun "swimming" has 1 sense in WordNet. 1. swimming, swim -- (the act of swimming)  The verb "swim" has 2 senses in WordNet. 1. swim -- (travel through water; "We had to swim for 20 minutes to reach the shore"; "a big fish was swimming in the tank") 2. float, swim -- (be afloat; stay on a liquid surface; not sink)  The adjective "swimming" has 2 senses in WordNet. 1. liquid, swimming, watery -- (filled or brimming with tears; "swimming eyes"; "watery eyes"; "sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid") 2. naiant, swimming -- (applied to a fish depicted horizontally)

18 Thank You

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