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Unit 1 Cycle 1: Vocabulary word definition draw a picture here.

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2 Unit 1 Cycle 1: Vocabulary

3 word definition draw a picture here

4 highlight the term so you can find words easily Leave enough space for a small picture or extra info later wolf Alternate pen/pencil colors to help your eyes separate the words


6 variable something in an experiment that changes or can be changed


8 What is the variable?


10 hypothesis plural - hypotheses a statement that can be proved or disproved by experimental or observational evidence

11 If, then statement: If the size of the magnet increases, then the distance the paper clip moves will increase.

12 If, then statement: If you stay up all night, then ….

13 If, then statement: If you eat all the Halloween candy, then ….

14 relationship an idea about what happens to one variable when a second variable changes


16 manipulated variable also called independent variable in an experiment, a variable that can be deliberately changed by the scientist and that determines the values of other variables (called responding variables)

17 manipulated variable the variable you change on purpose the ONE and ONLY variable you change

18 What is the manipulated variable?


20 responding variable also called dependent variable rin an experiment, a variable that responds to the change in the values of the manipulated variables

21 responding variable what you record in your data table

22 responding variable


24 What is the MV & RV? MV RV

25 What is the RV & MV? RV MV

26 fair test an experiment in which only the manipulated and responding variables are allowed to change and all other variables and conditions are kept the same

27 fair test a controlled experiment 1 MV, 1 RV, everything else is kept the same/constant

28 Is this a fair test?

29 Experiment: If the different Earth’s materials are heated by sunlight, then is the final temperature the same or different?

30 evidence in an experiment, the data collected by the researcher

31 evidence

32 DRY MIX dependent variable responding variable Y - axis manipulated variable independent variable X - axis

33 DRY MIX ts_edition1/index.html DRY MIX

34 best value mean

35 calculate the best value

36 uncertainty range 

37 calculate the uncertainty

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