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1 OFFICE OF DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY A program office within VA’s Office of Human Resources and Administration VBA MD-715.

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Presentation on theme: "1 OFFICE OF DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY A program office within VA’s Office of Human Resources and Administration VBA MD-715."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 OFFICE OF DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY A program office within VA’s Office of Human Resources and Administration VBA MD-715 Workforce Data for FY 2011 Part I Plan 1

2 2 Labeling Conventions MD-715 refers to EEOC Management Directive 715. Onboard workforce data reflects FY2010. RCLF refers to the Relevant Civilian Labor Force from the 2000 Census, which is limited to VA occupations in VA proportions. The term “trigger” refers to a data anomaly that merits further review. It may or may not turn out to be a “barrier” requiring planning and action. RNO = Race and National Origin, and is abbreviated: WM = White Male; WW = White women; BM = Black or African American men; BW = Black or African American women; HM = Hispanic or Latino men; WH = Hispanic or Latino women; AM = Asian American men; AW = Asian American women PM = Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander men; PW = Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander women IM or Indian = American Indian or Alaska Native men; IW or Indian = American Indian or Alaska Native women Note: Data in this presentation incorporate both permanent and temporary employees

3 3 Field Supervisory Level 1-4 Definitions Supervisory Level 1 for Field = Field Facility Director, VISN Director Supervisory Level 2 for Field = VISN Deputy Director, VISN Chief Medical Officer, Associate Director, Chief of Staff, Nurse Executive/Chief Nurse Supervisory Level 3 for Field = Assistant Director Supervisory Level 4 for Field = Chief, Medical Administration Officer (Independent OPC), Field Supervisor, VCSFO

4 4 VACO Supervisory Level 1-4 Definitions Supervisory Level 1 for VACO = Administrator, Deputy Administrator, Associate Deputy Administrator, Assistant Deputy Administrator, Chief Benefits Director, Chief Data Management, Chief Medical Director, Director, National Cemetery System, Staff Office Head Supervisory Level 2 for VACO = Deputy Chief Medical Director, Assistant Chief Medical Director, Deputy Assistant Chief Medical Director, Deputy Chief Benefits Director, Deputy and Assistant Deputy Chief Data Management Directors, Deputy Director, National Cemetery System, Associate Deputy Chief Medical Director, Associate Deputy Chief Medical Director for Operations, Assistant Staff Office Head Supervisory Level 3 for VACO = Director of Service or Staff, Area Field Directors Supervisory Level 4 for VACO = Assistant, Associate or Deputy Director of Service or Staff, Deputy Assistant General Counsel, Construction Project Supervisor

5 5 VA Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Plan Trigger 1 addresses Goal 1 of the VA Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan (DISP): Create a diverse, high performing workforce that reflects the communities we serve by identifying and eliminating barriers to equal opportunity. Triggers 2, 3, and 4 address Goal 2: Cultivate an inclusive workplace that enables full participation through strategic outreach and retention. Trigger 5, not shown, addresses Goal 3: Outstanding customer service and stakeholder relations by promoting cultural competency, accountability, education, and communication.

6 6 Onboard v. RCLF % Less than expected representation of White Women Less than expected representation of Hispanic Women Less than expected representation of Asian Women

7 7 Trigger 1: Underrepresentation

8 8

9 9

10 Hiring v. Availability % * Special Hiring Authority Hiring must be greater than onboard to eventually reach RCLF

11 Trigger 2: Promotions % GS/GM 13-15 Overall, the promotions are proportionate for this GS/GM grade range

12 Trigger 2: Promotions % GS/GM 7, 9, 11, 12 Overall, the promotions are proportionate for this GS/GM grade

13 13 Targeted Disability Promotions Permanent only, as of September 2010 *TD Promotions (Expected) = Promotions Percent) times Onboard (TD) (Individual qualifications not taken into account ) Occupational Series Onboard (TD) Onboard (Total) Promotion (Total) Promotion (Percent) *TD Promotion (Expected) TD Promotion (Actual) TD Promotion (Variation) 0996 Veterans Claims Examining 20612,0636,04850%1031041 0998 Claims Assistance and Examining 782,16660428%2217-5 0101 Social Science 3682113717%63-3 0301 Miscellaneous Admin and Program 960417329%330 0303 Miscellaneous Clerk and Assist 4175015421%96-3 0901 General Legal and Kindred Admin 1383635943%63-3

14 Leadership % Leadership definitions defined on slides 3 and 4 The distribution of leadership roles deserve a much deeper barrier analysis to reveal possible barriers to equal employment opportunities Pool of Leadership Grades include: GS/GM grades 14 & 15, SES, 7401 Physician, Dentists VM/J, 7405 Physician, Dentists AD/L, 7401 Nurses, PA, EFDA VN/K grades 4 & 5, 7405 Nurses, PA, and EFDA AD/M grades 4 & 5.

15 Career Improvement % Pool: VBA GS grade 1-9, permanent only. Improved: Those who moved to occupations with higher average grades White women appear to have a harder time moving into careers with higher earnings potential

16 2011 Goal: 2% FY10FY09DIFFERENCE VBA2.25%2.27%-0.02% VA1.51%1.43%0.8% Trigger 3: Targeted Disabilities

17 2011 Goal: 2% Total HiresTD Hires% TD Hires VBA3,036601.98 VA40,2085811.44 Targeted Disability Hires

18 Special Hiring Authorities 30% Service Connected Disability Disabled Veteran, Chap. 31 Training Mental or Physical Disability VA Schedule A BVA or Readjust. Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) VBA49815016 VA17115152824 Figures based on 40,208 total hires in FY2010 for VA.

19 StationF72010FY09Difference VBA26.92%25.37%1.55% VA9.02%8.48%0.54% Trigger 4: Disabled Veterans

20 Veterans By Age and Grade Retirement Eligible The point here is, government employment are usually second careers for Veterans, so they don’t stay as long, which means much more effort keeping the representation constant is necessary. The majority of all three grade groups are approaching retirement age.

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