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Closing the Equity Gap: A Portrait of Canada’s University Teachers 1996-2001 CAUT Education Review Vol. 6, No. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Closing the Equity Gap: A Portrait of Canada’s University Teachers 1996-2001 CAUT Education Review Vol. 6, No. 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closing the Equity Gap: A Portrait of Canada’s University Teachers 1996-2001 CAUT Education Review Vol. 6, No. 2

2 Key Findings Nearly 30% of professors were over 55 in 2001, up 26% from 1996. Only 15% of full professors are women. Full-time female faculty earn 80% of their male counterparts. Part-time female faculty earn less than 70% of their male counterparts. Aboriginal Canadians are largely absent from academia. Visible minority faculty earn well below the average salaries of all professors and are more likely to experience unemployment.

3 Women Table 1 Female Faculty by Major Discipline (%) 19962001 Education35.742.8 Fine & applied arts32.736.5 Humanities30.835.3 Health Professions30.734.3 Social sciences25.029.0 Agriculture & biological sciences21.223.5 Mathematics & physical sciences9.612.3 Engineering & applied sciences6.98.6

4 Women Table 2 University Faculty by Rank and Gender, 2001 (%) MenWomen Full professor84.915.1 Associate professor68.431.6 Assistant professor58.841.2 Other48.052.0 All ranks combined71.328.7

5 Women Table 3 Distribution of Faculty by Rank and Gender, 2001 (%) MenWomen Full professor44.719.7 Associate professor32.737.4 Assistant professor18.832.8 Other3.810.2

6 Women Table 4 Average annual earnings of male and female university teachers, 1996 & 2001 ($) 19962001 MFMF Full-time72,97756,17280,29064,409 Part-time39,98125,30947,65032,784

7 Visible Minorities & Aboriginal Persons Table 5 - Racial identification of university teachers, 1996 & 2001 (%) 19962001 White83.982.4 South Asian3.03.6 Chinese2.93.6 Arab or West Asian2.01.9 Black1.51.6 Latin American.6 Japanese.6.5 Korean.3 Southeast Asian.3 Filipino.2 Other.3 Aboriginal Persons.5.7

8 Visible Minorities & Aboriginal Persons Table 6 – Average employment income of university professors 19962001 All Professors53,47660,250 Visible Minority Professors46,44053,039

9 Conclusions Women remain under-represented amongst senior professorial ranks and in certain disciplines Women and visible minorities experience a significant pay gap. Aboriginal people are largely absent.

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