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The Ethics of Advertising Research Purpose  To promote understanding of the ethical principles and practices in advertising research.

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2 The Ethics of Advertising Research

3 Purpose  To promote understanding of the ethical principles and practices in advertising research

4 Ethics Defined  The moral principles and values that govern the actions and decisions of the advertising researcher

5 Ethical Principles in Research  Autonomy Respect for the values and decisions of the researcher  Nonmaleficence Not intentionally inflicting harm to another person  Beneficence The obligation to remove existing harms and to confer benefits on others

6 Ways The Principles are Exercised – Participant Rights  Informed consent/disclosure What is being asked from participants How long will it take What will be done with the data Voluntary-nature disclosure Duration of participant commitment

7 Ways Principles Apply to Researchers  Participant Rights Withdrawing from study Avoiding participant mistreatment Minimize deception Ensure confidentiality of responses Right to privacy disclosure Special considerations: CHILDREN

8 Research on Children  Child’s rights above all else  Absolutely NO physical or psychological harm  Coercion must be avoided  Written consent must come from the primary guardian

9 Ways Principles Extend to Clients  Recommending appropriate research  Maintaining confidentiality/proprietary standards  Presentation of findings should be straightforward, non-misleading  Disclosure and prior approval of project changes

10 Ways Principles Extend to Research Suppliers  Calls for supplier bids/proposals must be genuine  Bid process should not be a cover for “idea plagiarism”  False promises to get a lower price

11 Ways Principles Extend to Society  Complete reporting of data and findings  Proper interpretation of findings  Data reported should adhere to sound, objective standards  Research should not be a front for something else

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