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Ch 4.3 Why is Popular Culture Widely Distributed?

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 4.3 Why is Popular Culture Widely Distributed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 4.3 Why is Popular Culture Widely Distributed?
Diffusion of Popular Housing Modern ( ) minimal traditional, ranch, split-level, contemporary, shed Diffusion of Popular Neo-Eclectic (since 1960) bring back old fashioned

2 Ch 4.3 Why is Popular Culture Widely Distributed?
Diffusion of Popular Clothing reflects income & social norms (job, where you live, social status) NOT environment like FOLK culture rapid diffusion of fashion trends from “fashion hearths” JEANS – image of youth

3 Ch 4.3 Why is Popular Culture Widely Distributed?
Diffusion of Popular Food -Alcohol & Snacks can be both regional/folk by what’s available locally in environment & influenced by the local culture, but also popular, influence by income & advertising. -Religion also influences alcohol consumption (taboo for: Mormons in Utah, Baptists in SE, Muslims) Whiskey Tequila

4 Ch 4.3 Why is Popular Culture Widely Distributed?
Wine consumption influenced by environment: soil (well drained) & climate (wet winters, hot summers) and physical place (soil type) all influence the distinct taste which can be identified by origin culture: history & tradition of wine-making, also influenced by religious values (Muslims & Hindus abstain)

5 Ch 4.3 Why is Popular Culture Widely Distributed?
Television 1954 1970 2003 Where is Television: Common and Rare?

6 Ch 4.3 Why is Popular Culture Widely Distributed?
Internet 1995 2000 2004 Where is the Internet Common and Rare?

7 Ch 4.3 Why is Popular Culture Widely Distributed?
Role of TV in diffusing Popular Culture Television Most popular leisure activity in MDCs Most important means of diffusing pop culture pre 1995 Internet RAPID!!!! means of diffusing pop culture 1995-now

8 Ch 4.3 Why is Popular Culture Widely Distributed?
Role of TV in diffusing Popular Culture Government Control of TV Western Hemisphere – private ownership by corporations to make profits by selling advertisements, local government owned for local programs (like Orange TV) and educational programs (like “Sesame Street”) LDCs (i.e. China, India, Eastern Europe) – government controlled to censor any anti-government sentiments, not as many privately run media in LDCs

9 Ch 4.3 Why is Popular Culture Widely Distributed?
Role of TV in diffusing Popular Culture What is Reducing Government Control in countries? satellite dishes, cell phones, video cameras, internet (twitter, facebook) … people want to know what’s going on, they have access to satellite dishes and the money to get them. Effects? Governments are losing control of censoring information about what is happening in the world. This helped cause the collapse of Communist Eastern Europe. It’s also part of the Arab Spring and the on-going conflict in Syria.

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