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BELL WORK Teen Depression is a serious issue. Sometime teens feel they cannot handle certain situations. What are some reasons teens might be depressed?

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Presentation on theme: "BELL WORK Teen Depression is a serious issue. Sometime teens feel they cannot handle certain situations. What are some reasons teens might be depressed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BELL WORK Teen Depression is a serious issue. Sometime teens feel they cannot handle certain situations. What are some reasons teens might be depressed?

2 MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS Mental and Emotional Disorders

3 identify types of anxiety disorders. describe mood disorders. identify signs of major depression.

4 MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL DISORDERS Mental and emotional problems are not true illnesses. MYTH People with mental and emotional problems can just “shake if off.” MYTH

5 TREATMENT Treatment for mental and emotional disorders can include medication, counseling, or both. disorder A disturbance in the normal function of a part of the body

6 ANXIETY Anxiety disorders may first become apparent during the teen years or young adulthood. anxiety disorder A disorder in which intense anxiety or fear keeps a person from functioning normally

7 ANXIETY One type of mental and emotional disorder is a phobia. phobia An exaggerated fear of a specific situation or object

8 PHOBIAS AcrophobiaFear of heights

9 AgoraphobiaFear of crowded places or open areas

10 AstraphobiaFear of thunder and lighting

11 ClaustrophobiaFear of enclosed spaces

12 EcophobiaFear of home

13 HydrophobiaFear of water

14 KenophobiaFear of empty spaces

15 NoctiphobiaFear of night

16 Phasmophobia Fear of ghosts

17 Social phobiaFear of people

18 TachophobiaFear of speed

19 ZoophobiaFear of animals

20 PERSONALITY DISORDERS Two examples of personality disorders are: Passive-aggressive disorder Borderline personality disorder personality disorder A psychological condition that affects a person’s ability to interact normally with others

21 MOOD DISORDER People who feel sad for a long period of time and for no explainable reason may have a mood disorder. mood disorder A disorder in which a person undergoes changes in mood that seem inappropriate or extreme

22 BIPOLAR DISORDER A person with bipolar disorder experiences cycles of alternating high and low periods. High, or Manic PeriodLow, or Depressive Period Increased energy Energy slows down dramatically

23 MOOD DISORDER The symptoms that come with the depressive side of bipolar disorder also occur in major depression. major depression A very serious mood disorder in which people lose interest in life and can no longer find enjoyment in anything

24 TEEN DEPRESSION Some studies suggest that as many as 20 percent of teens suffer from major depression. Teens who are depressed may turn to alcohol or other drugs.

25 TEEN DEPRESSION Left untreated, depression can become worse. If you know someone who is depressed, encourage that person to talk to a parent or other trusted adult.

26 WARNING SIGNS OF DEPRESSION Anger or anxiety Lack of energy Change in sleep patterns Irritability, unable to concentrate Blame on others Feelings of worthlessness or guilt Hard time finding pleasure Thoughts of suicide or death

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