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The Solar System Lancelot L. Kao Updated: Jan 18, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The Solar System Lancelot L. Kao Updated: Jan 18, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Solar System Lancelot L. Kao Updated: Jan 18, 2010

2 2 Outline Overview of the Solar System Chemical Composition of Planets Summary Formation of the Solar System Observational Evidence Detection of Extrasolar Planets

3 3 Overview of the Solar System Relative sizes Orbital properties

4 4 Family Picture of the Solar System

5 5

6 6

7 7 Chemical Composition of Planets Terrestrial Planets Jovian Planets Icy Giants Small Bodies

8 8 Chemical Composition of Planets

9 9

10 10 Summary

11 11 Formation of the Solar System A slowly rotating cloud of gas and dust begins to contract. A central condensation forms as the cloud flattens and spins more rapidly. Rougly100 thousand years later, a glowing “protosun” has formed in its center with a protoplanetary disk (proplyd) of gas and dust.

12 12 Formation of the Solar System Condensation process Condensation temperature Frost Line

13 13 Formation of the Solar System Accretion process and the formation of planetesimals

14 14 Formation of the Solar System Accretion of planetesimals to form protoplanets Chemical differentiation T Tauri Wind

15 15 Observational Evidences Orion Nebula

16 16 Detection of Extrasolar Planets

17 17 Detection of Extrasolar Planets Light Curve of HD209548 Infrared Image of Gliese 229

18 18 Detection of Extrasolar Planets

19 19 Detection of Extrasolar Planets

20 20 Extrasolar Planets Database The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia –Up-to-date –Interactive Catalog –

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