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Welcome to 6 th Grade Mathematics at TIS!. TAKE A MOMENT  Please take a moment and write a short positive note to your child. These will then be passed.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6 th Grade Mathematics at TIS!. TAKE A MOMENT  Please take a moment and write a short positive note to your child. These will then be passed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6 th Grade Mathematics at TIS!

2 TAKE A MOMENT  Please take a moment and write a short positive note to your child. These will then be passed out tomorrow during math.

3 6th Grade Math Mrs. Jenkins 281-357-3150 ext. 4261 Contact Information

4 SEPTEMBER EVENT CALENDAR  Important September Dates  9/7/15 Labor Day Holiday NO SCHOOL  9/8/15 6 th Grade Curriculum Night @5:30pm  9/24/15 Watch Dog Dad Pizza Party @ 6pm

5 Useful Math Websites

6 Online Textbook Access: -Go to -Username: given to all students -Password: given to all students

7 Basic Math Facts Students are expected to know multiplication/division facts through the 12s. These facts are essential for your student’s success. Please make sure your child is practicing multiplication and division facts nightly!

8 Please check planner NIGHTLY for homework and upcoming events. This is how I will communicate with you on a daily basis. I will be posting homework online on EDLIO



11 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE  First Nine Weeks  All operations with decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers  Expressions and Equations Using exponents, order of operations, substitution, equations with positive numbers  Rational Number Systems Integers and opposites, absolute value, classifying rational numbers, comparing and ordering positive rational numbers.

12 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE 2 nd Nine Weeks  Rational number operations: Integers All operations with integers including using concrete and visual models and connection to the algorithms  Algebra Concepts: Relationships with Variables Graphing, generating equivalent expressions, combining like terms, inequalities and graphing, independent and dependent variables

13 INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK  Interactive Notebook – All students are expected to have their INB with them every day. All class notes, reflections, and charts will be located here.

14 A school-wide FRIENDLY COMPETITION that involves both students and staff. Remind your student to wear red on Friday.

15 i What are the categories? School Spirit Attendance – Staff & Students Academics Behavior Accelerated Reader Bonus Points – may be anything!

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