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International Newspaper Group 2008 Gannett’s Green Campaign.

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Presentation on theme: "International Newspaper Group 2008 Gannett’s Green Campaign."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Newspaper Group 2008 Gannett’s Green Campaign

2 International Newspaper Group 2008  Gannett has a long history of Green efforts  Individual and Local Efforts  Corporate Green Committee in 2006  Individual Gannett newspapers have formalized Green Teams, Green web sites, and Initiatives

3 International Newspaper Group 2008 Corporate Office Building is a Green-Focused Design  Natural Lighting  Green Roofs  Energy Efficient Lighting, Power Systems, and HVAC  Centrally Controlled Occupancy Settings  Designed With LEEDS Standards

4 International Newspaper Group 2008 Two parallel approaches  Green Committees and Teams ◦ Efforts that are behavioral ◦ No-cost changes to what we use or how we use items  Newspaper Division ◦ Focus on energy savings/reductions ◦ Efforts that require capital

5 International Newspaper Group 2008 Capital Efforts  Lighting ◦ Targeted high-ROI lighting changes first ◦ High bay HID or Metal Halide lights  HVAC ◦ Systems at end-of-life  Redesign for efficiency  Correctly size for changed operations

6 International Newspaper Group 2008 Typical Production Facility Electrical Energy Usage

7 International Newspaper Group 2008 Lighting Project  Chose a company to partner with for focused effort at lighting energy savings ◦ That company managed and performed site audits ◦ Negotiated Gannett-wide discounts for lighting ◦ Each project was quoted as materials and turnkey, with detailed analysis of current energy costs, estimated energy, cost, and Carbon effects

8 International Newspaper Group 2008 HID Lighting vs. new fluorescent high bay fixtures

9 International Newspaper Group 2008

10 2004 2007

11 International Newspaper Group 2008 Why focus on High Bay lighting? Limited capital available High Bay lighting was largest ROI Fast analysis Simplest Installation ***

12 International Newspaper Group 2008 Annual Contribution of Gannett Lighting Retrofit Project  $1,400,000+ Savings in electrical cost  52% Overall ROI  14,000 tons CO2 Reduction  30 tons NOX Reduction

13 International Newspaper Group 2008 Large Newspaper Production and Office Facility  $290k Project ◦ Whole House – Office and Production

14 International Newspaper Group 2008 Large Newspaper Production and Office Facility  $290k Project  100% ROI

15 International Newspaper Group 2008 Large Newspaper Production and Office Facility  $290k Project  100% ROI  $97k Rebate check ◦ ******

16 International Newspaper Group 2008 Next emphasis for lighting  Next tier of ROI relighting opportunities  Controls

17 International Newspaper Group 2008  Need for accessible manual controls  Occupancy controlled lighting  Scheduled lighting

18 International Newspaper Group 2008 HVAC Energy Projects  Typically  Higher Capital Costs  More Engineering Intensive  Complex installation  Larger disruptive impact on the facility

19 International Newspaper Group 2008  Focused ◦ End of life  Major repairs needed  Completely inoperable  Very old, and/or no longer suited for current operations  Production changed or removed from facility

20 International Newspaper Group 2008 Example:  Very old, large steam boilers  Facility is office only, no longer any production  Steam operates heat, reheat, and domestic hot water  Very cramped mechanical space  Asbestos

21 International Newspaper Group 2008  Two new, much smaller steam boilers with 24:1 turn-down  Separate domestic hot water system  Energy savings: $180k/yr Nat Gas  Project cost: $600k

22 International Newspaper Group 2008 HVAC Projects Scope  Chillers  Hot water heaters  Boilers ◦ Replacing steam with hot water ◦ New, more energy efficient boilers

23 International Newspaper Group 2008 Steam VS Hot Water

24 International Newspaper Group 2008 Why Steam??  Humidification ◦ Steam to Hot Water Heating ◦ Operating oversized steam boilers for humidity in off-heating periods  Over Humidification

25 International Newspaper Group 2008 Example: convert to Hot Water

26 International Newspaper Group 2008 High Pressure Air  Compressed Air Energy Cost Compressed air is one of the most expensive uses of energy in a manufacturing plant. About eight horsepower of electricity is used to generate one horsepower of compressed air.  MNTAP – University of Minnesota

27 International Newspaper Group 2008  80% of the energy used to make compressed air goes into heat.

28 International Newspaper Group 2008  Gannett has 15,000 hp of connected air compressors  At full load, that would represent over $13M of electrical cost  Actual costs in excess of $4M

29 International Newspaper Group 2008 If your compressors look like this

30 International Newspaper Group 2008 Or this

31 International Newspaper Group 2008 Simple facts that save $

32 International Newspaper Group 2008  Every 2psi of pressure reduction = 1.5% energy use reduction  In this example, the low pressure is set at 130psi.  The high pressure is set at 150psi  Modulating at 130psi would save 15% in energy usage

33 International Newspaper Group 2008 Where and how are you using compressed air?  Areas where lower pressure air would work just as well?  Leaks?  Open valves on idle equipment?  “Inventive” uses?

34 International Newspaper Group 2008  20° F decrease in compressor inlet temperature = 3.5% energy savings

35 International Newspaper Group 2008 Resources  DOE, CAGI, others operate a program called “Compressed Air Challenge”.  Available in most of the country  One day, very specific course in compressed air knowledge, energy specifics, diagnostics and remedies

36 International Newspaper Group 2008  Gannett continues to pursue reduction in energy use  A recent task group identified and is in the process of reducing energy costs by an additional $4.4M in the next year.  Additional 40tons CO2 reduction.

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