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Please draw this on the input side of INB. WW2 Aggression VS Appeasement Prepare for WAR!

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Presentation on theme: "Please draw this on the input side of INB. WW2 Aggression VS Appeasement Prepare for WAR!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please draw this on the input side of INB

2 WW2 Aggression VS Appeasement Prepare for WAR!

3 European Appeasement 1938 Hitler announced his intentions to annex the Sudetenland – the border areas of Czechoslovakia Munich Pact – an agreement between Germany, France, and Britain to give the Sudetenland to Hitler in exchange for peace Many European leaders were desperate to avoid another war and they felt that Hitler would stop his expansion after obtaining the Sudetenland Neville Chamberlin – the British Prime Minister – announced that this agreement had secured a “peace for our time” It was a short lived peace, WWII started 11 months later...Poland, France, and the rest of Europe fell.

4 Soviet Appeasement 1939 Nazi-Soviet non- aggression pact An agreement under which Germany and the USSR pledged to not attack one another Secretly, they agreed to invade and divide up Poland Germany’s eastern border was now secure from a Soviet attack Germany attacked USSR anyway

5 How Should the US Respond?

6 Lend Lease-Act 1941 Act to Further Promote the Defense of the United States A program under which the United States supplied Great Britain, Free France, the Republic of China and later the USSR and other Allied nations with materiel between 1941 and August 1945 Signed into law on March 11, 1941, a year and a half after the outbreak of World War II in Europe in September 1939 and nine months before the U.S. entered the war in December 1941 This program effectively ended the United States' pretense of neutrality and was a decisive step away from non-interventionist policy, which had dominated United States foreign relations since 1931



9 Question The Lend-Lease Act allowed the United States to send billions of dollar’s worth of supplies to Allied countries.

10 US Builds Up Armed Forces U.S. Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, first peacetime draft in US history. Burke-Wadsworth Act Required that men between the ages of 21 and 35 register with local draft boards When the U.S. entered World War II, all men aged 18 to 45 were made subject to military service


12 Question The U.S. Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 was the first peacetime draft in the country's history

13 US Enters War December 7, 1941 Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor US Declares war on the Empire of Japan and officially enters WW2


15 Question Immediately following the attacks of December 7, 1941, Congress voted to declare war on Japan and enter World War II

16 Please respond to the following prompt in at least 2 paragraphs in output side of INB If you were President Roosevelt (FDR) and you saw all aggressive moves Japan and Germany were making, would you choose to stay neutral? Intervene? Why or Why not? Discuss the opportunity costs for your decision.

17 Respond to the following prompt For the following project you will research and write a short biography on one of the following people from WW2. In your biography you will answer the following questions: What was the leadership style of the leader? Explain. What were some of the goals and ideals of the leader? Explain. What side was the leader on? How did the leader communicate their vision to the nation? Explain. Choose from the following: Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Emperor Hirohito, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Josef Stalin You may use your textbooks and or iPads. DO NOT PLAGERIZE OR COPY FROM THE SOURCES. You MUST cite your sources. At least three paragraphs.

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